Topological And Nontopological Conservation

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Topological & Non-Topological Conservation


 Conservation – shape and structure of networks of interacting organisms in ecological systems

In-situ conservation


 Protect whole ecosystem at all levels to protect threatened species (save entire forest to save tiger)

 Hot Spots – High endemism & high Species richness (in India – Western Ghats (Agasthyamalai hills, Silent valley, Amambalam reserve) & Sri Lanka, Indo-Burma (NE India) – angiosperms, Sundalands (Nicobar Is.) & Himalaya – (dicot species) – cover less than 2% area with 44% species – if conserved extinction with decline by 30%

4 factors that determine hotspots

 Degree of endemism

Degree of exploitation

 Degree of threat to habitat due to degradation and fragmentation

 Number of species or Species diversity

 Protected Areas – biological diversity along with natural and cultural resource is protected – worldwide 37,000 areas with India having around 651 (4.7% compared to 10% internationally) Maintain diversity, native Population, resilience in species and exotic species

National Parks – by government and for betterment of wildlife –cultivation, grazing, Forestry not allowed; private ownership not allowed, boundary is demarcated – around 100 in India covering 1.1% area – Some as heritage sites like Kaziranga, Keoladeo, Manas

Sanctuaries – tracts of land where Fauna takes refuge without being hunted – forest activity, grazing and cultivation is permitted; private ownership is allowed but boundary is not well demarcated.

 Biosphere-reserves/”>Biosphere reserves – preserve Genetic diversity by protecting wild population, tribals and domestication – initiated in 175 under MAB (UNESCO) – India has 18 of 669 in world (2016)

 4 of these are part of heritage sites – Nanda Devi, Sunderbans, Niligiris and Gulf of Mannar (also as national parks)

3 zones:

Core – no human activity, undisturbed and legally protected

 Buffer – limited human activity for research and Education

Transition (Manipulation) – outermost or periphery – settlement, Cropping, recreation

Aim – restoration, conservation, development, monitoring, education and research.

 MAB (Man & Biosphere) Program started in 1971 & in India in 1986 – human Environment, impact of human interference, conservation strategies and pollution.

 Ramsar Sites

 Wetlands – Low lying marshy areas filled with rain due to rain off

1st international convention as held in Ramsar, Iran in 1971

Help to recharge

 Recharge groundwater

 Protection from floods

Fresh water wetlands over land & saltwater over estuaries and MANGROVES.

Sacred Forests – temples built by tribals in deodar forest in Kumaon; Jaintia & Khasi in Meghalaya; Sarguja, Chanda & Bastar in Chattisgarh; Aravallis in Rajasthan

Aquatic sacred areas – Khecheopalri (Sikkim)

Bishnois protect Prosopis cineraria & Black Buck


Ex-situ conservation

 Conservation of Plants and animals outside their natural homes

Offsite Collections – 1500 botanical gardens and 800 zoological gardens – captive breeding program (species with less number of individuals – when number increases they are released in wild) – restock depleted population, reintroduce species in wild and restore degraded habitats

Gene Banks – stock of viable seeds, live growing plants, Tissue Culture and frozen germplasm

  • Seed banks – orthodox seeds (tolerate reduction in moisture, low anaerobic conditions & low temperature for prolonged period) and recalcitrant seeds (killed on reduction of moisture or temperature like jackfruit, cocoa, tea and coconut)


  • Orchards – Plants with recalcitrant seeds are grown in orchards where all possible strains are maintained – litchi, oil palm



  • Tissue Culture – callus, embryoid, pollen grain culture, shoot tip culture for seedless plants, recalcitrant seeds, variable seed progeny or clones to be maintained – banana, potato.


  • Cryopreservation – preservation at -196 (liquid nitrogen)


Conservation laws are fundamental principles of physics that state that certain quantities are always conserved, or remain constant, in a physical system. These quantities include energy, momentum, angular momentum, charge, lepton number, baryon number, strangeness, charm, bottomness, topness, color charge, baryon number minus lepton number, hypercharge, weak hypercharge, electromagnetic charge, weak isospin, strong isospin, parity, time reversal symmetry, charge conjugation symmetry, and CPT symmetry.

Conservation laws are important because they provide a framework for understanding how physical systems behave. They can be used to predict the outcome of experiments and to develop new theories.

The conservation of energy is one of the most fundamental conservation laws. It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. This law is based on the observation that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant over time.

The conservation of momentum is another fundamental conservation law. It states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant over time. Momentum is a vector quantity, so it has both magnitude and direction. The total momentum of a system is the vector sum of the momenta of all the objects in the system.

The conservation of angular momentum is a conservation law that states that the total angular momentum of an isolated system remains constant over time. Angular momentum is a vector quantity, so it has both magnitude and direction. The total angular momentum of a system is the vector sum of the angular momenta of all the objects in the system.

The conservation of charge is a conservation law that states that the total charge of an isolated system remains constant over time. Charge is a physical property that characterizes the electromagnetic interaction. It is measured in units of the elementary charge, $e$.

The conservation of lepton number is a conservation law that states that the total lepton number of an isolated system remains constant over time. Lepton number is a quantum number that characterizes leptons. It is equal to $1$ for all leptons and $0$ for all other particles.

The conservation of baryon number is a conservation law that states that the total baryon number of an isolated system remains constant over time. Baryon number is a quantum number that characterizes baryons. It is equal to $1$ for all baryons and $0$ for all other particles.

The conservation of strangeness is a conservation law that states that the total strangeness of an isolated system remains constant over time. Strangeness is a quantum number that characterizes strange particles. It is equal to $-1$ for strange quarks, $0$ for up and down quarks, and $+1$ for antistrange quarks.

The conservation of charm is a conservation law that states that the total charm of an isolated system remains constant over time. Charm is a quantum number that characterizes charm particles. It is equal to $+1$ for charm quarks, $0$ for up and down quarks, and $-1$ for anticharm quarks.

The conservation of bottomness is a conservation law that states that the total bottomness of an isolated system remains constant over time. Bottomness is a quantum number that characterizes bottom particles. It is equal to $+1$ for bottom quarks, $0$ for up and down quarks, and $-1$ for antibottom quarks.

The conservation of topness is a conservation law that states that the total topness of an isolated system remains constant over time. Topness is a quantum number that characterizes top particles. It is equal to $+1$ for top quarks, $0$ for up and down quarks, and $-1$ for antitop quarks.

The conservation of color charge is a conservation law that states that the total color charge of an isolated system remains constant over time. Color charge is a physical property that characterizes quarks. It is a property that comes in three colors, red, green, and blue. Each quark has one color and one anticolor.

The conservation of baryon number minus lepton number is a conservation law that states that the total baryon number minus lepton number of an isolated system remains constant over time. This law is important because it is related to the stability of the proton.

The conservation of hypercharge is a conservation law that states that the total hypercharge of an isolated system remains constant over time. Hypercharge is a quantum number that characterizes leptons and quarks. It is equal to $1$ for all leptons and quarks with electric charge $+2/3$, $-1$ for all leptons and quarks with electric charge $-1/3$, and $0$ for all other particles.

The conservation of weak hypercharge is a conservation law that states that the total weak

What is conservation?
Conservation is the practice of protecting and preserving natural Resources and wildlife. It can be done through a variety of methods, such as habitat protection, sustainable resource management, and education.

What are the different types of conservation?
There are many different types of conservation, but some of the most common include:

Why is conservation important?
Conservation is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to protect the environment. The environment provides us with a number of essential resources, such as clean air and water, food, and shelter. Conservation helps to ensure that these resources are available for future generations.

Second, conservation helps to protect wildlife. Wildlife plays an important role in the environment. They help to pollinate plants, control pests, and disperse seeds. Conservation helps to ensure that these animals have a place to live and thrive.

Third, conservation helps to protect the economy. The tourism Industry relies on a healthy environment. Conservation helps to ensure that there are beautiful places for people to visit and enjoy.

What can I do to help conservation?
There are many things you can do to help conservation. Some of the most common things you can do include:

What are some of the challenges facing conservation?
There are a number of challenges facing conservation. Some of the most common challenges include:

What is the future of conservation?
The future of conservation is uncertain. However, there are a number of reasons to be optimistic. First, there is a growing awareness of the importance of conservation. Second, there are a number of effective conservation strategies being implemented. Third, there is a growing number of people who are working to protect the environment.

Despite the challenges, there is reason to be hopeful about the future of conservation. With continued effort, we can protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for all.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of conservation?

(A) Topological conservation
(B) Nontopological conservation
(C) Energy conservation
(D) Momentum conservation


Question 2

Which of the following is a property of topological conservation?

(A) It is a type of conservation that is not affected by topology.
(B) It is a type of conservation that is affected by topology.
(C) It is a type of conservation that is related to energy.
(D) It is a type of conservation that is related to momentum.


Question 3

Which of the following is a property of nontopological conservation?

(A) It is a type of conservation that is not affected by topology.
(B) It is a type of conservation that is affected by topology.
(C) It is a type of conservation that is related to energy.
(D) It is a type of conservation that is related to momentum.


Question 4

Which of the following is an example of a topologically conserved quantity?

(A) The number of particles in a system
(B) The total energy of a system
(C) The total momentum of a system
(D) The total angular momentum of a system


Question 5

Which of the following is an example of a nontopologically conserved quantity?

(A) The number of particles in a system
(B) The total energy of a system
(C) The total momentum of a system
(D) The total angular momentum of a system


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