TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer Exam

Exam Pattern of tnpsc junior draughting officer Exam 2024

Exam Pattern of TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer Exam 2024

Eligibility Criteria

Exam Pattern

The TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer exam is conducted in two stages:

  1. Written Examination: This is a computer-based exam consisting of two papers:

    • Paper I: General Studies (200 marks)
    • Paper II: Engineering Subjects (200 marks)
  2. Oral Test/Interview: This is a qualifying test for candidates who clear the written exam.

Detailed Syllabus

Paper I: General Studies

1. General Science:
* Physics: Basic concepts of motion, force, energy, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, and modern physics.
* Chemistry: Basic concepts of matter, atoms, molecules, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, acids, bases, salts, and organic chemistry.
* Biology: Basic concepts of living organisms, cells, tissues, organs, systems, plants, animals, human physiology, and health.

2. Current Events:
* National and International events of the past year.
* Major developments in science and technology.
* Important personalities and their contributions.

3. History of India:
* Ancient India: Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, and other major dynasties.
* Medieval India: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Vijayanagara Empire, and other major kingdoms.
* Modern India: British rule, Indian National Movement, and Independence.

4. Geography of India:
* Physical features: Mountains, rivers, plains, deserts, and coastal areas.
* Climate: Monsoon, seasons, and rainfall patterns.
* Natural resources: Minerals, forests, and wildlife.
* Population: Distribution, density, and growth.

5. Indian Polity:
* Constitution of India: Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, and Fundamental Duties.
* Union Government: President, Prime Minister, Parliament, and Judiciary.
* State Government: Governor, Chief Minister, Legislature, and Judiciary.
* Local Government: Panchayati Raj and Municipal Corporations.

6. Indian Economy:
* Economic development: Planning, policies, and reforms.
* Agriculture: Crops, irrigation, and agricultural practices.
* Industry: Manufacturing, mining, and services.
* Infrastructure: Transportation, communication, and energy.

7. Tamil Nadu History, Culture, and Heritage:
* Ancient Tamil civilization: Sangam literature, Chola, Pandya, and Pallava dynasties.
* Medieval Tamil Nadu: Vijayanagara and Nayak rule.
* Modern Tamil Nadu: Social reforms, cultural movements, and political developments.
* Heritage: Temples, monuments, and art forms.

8. Aptitude and Mental Ability:
* Reasoning: Analogies, classifications, series, and puzzles.
* Numerical ability: Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation.
* Verbal ability: Comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar.

Paper II: Engineering Subjects

1. Engineering Drawing:
* Principles of orthographic projection.
* Drawing of geometrical figures, solids, and machine parts.
* Dimensioning and tolerancing.
* Sectional views, auxiliary views, and isometric projections.
* Computer-aided drafting (CAD) software.

2. Building Materials and Construction:
* Properties and uses of various building materials: Bricks, concrete, steel, timber, and glass.
* Construction techniques: Foundations, walls, roofs, and floors.
* Building codes and regulations.
* Building services: Plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems.

3. Surveying:
* Principles of surveying: Chain surveying, plane table surveying, and leveling.
* Theodolite and total station instruments.
* Measurement of distances, angles, and elevations.
* Preparation of plans and maps.

4. Strength of Materials:
* Stress, strain, and elasticity.
* Bending moment and shear force diagrams.
* Deflection of beams.
* Columns and struts.

5. Fluid Mechanics:
* Properties of fluids: Density, viscosity, and surface tension.
* Fluid statics: Pressure, buoyancy, and Archimedes’ principle.
* Fluid dynamics: Flow rate, velocity, and pressure head.

6. Soil Mechanics:
* Soil classification and properties.
* Soil compaction and permeability.
* Shear strength and bearing capacity.
* Foundation design.

7. Structural Analysis:
* Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures.
* Influence lines.
* Truss analysis.
* Moment distribution method.

8. Concrete Technology:
* Properties of concrete: Strength, workability, and durability.
* Mix design and quality control.
* Concrete structures: Beams, columns, and slabs.

9. Environmental Engineering:
* Water supply and sanitation.
* Waste water treatment.
* Air pollution control.
* Solid waste management.

10. Transportation Engineering:
* Highway planning and design.
* Traffic engineering.
* Railway engineering.
* Airport engineering.

Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

Paper Subject Number of Questions Marks Duration
Paper I General Studies 200 200 3 hours
Paper II Engineering Subjects 200 200 3 hours

Total: 400 marks

Negative Marking: There is a negative marking of 1/3 mark for each incorrect answer.

Important Points to Note

Preparation Strategy

Resources for Preparation


The TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer exam is a challenging but rewarding opportunity for aspiring engineers. With proper preparation and dedication, candidates can crack the exam and secure a promising career in the government sector.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the eligibility criteria for the TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer exam?

2. What is the exam pattern for the TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer exam?

3. What are the important topics covered in the General Studies paper?

4. What are the important topics covered in the Engineering Subjects paper?

5. Is there any negative marking in the exam?

6. How can I prepare for the TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer exam?

7. What are some good resources for exam preparation?

8. What are some tips for the exam day?

9. What are the career prospects after clearing the TNPSC Junior Draughting Officer exam?

10. What is the salary and benefits for a Junior Draughting Officer?

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