TNPSC Group IV Exam

Syllabus and Exam Pattern for tnpsc group iv Exam 2024

Syllabus and Exam Pattern for TNPSC Group IV Exam 2024

Exam Pattern

The TNPSC Group IV exam is conducted in a single stage, consisting of a written examination. The exam is objective-type, with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Here’s a breakdown of the exam pattern:

Section Subject Number of Questions Marks Duration
Part A General Studies 100 100 3 hours
Part B Tamil Language 50 50 1 hour

Note: Candidates must secure a minimum qualifying mark in both Part A and Part B to be considered for selection.

Syllabus for Part A: General Studies

The General Studies section covers a wide range of topics, including:

1. General Science:

2. Current Events:

3. History:

4. Geography:

5. Indian Polity:

6. Indian Economy:

7. Indian Culture and Heritage:

8. Environment and Ecology:

9. Disaster Management:

10. General Aptitude and Mental Ability:

Syllabus for Part B: Tamil Language

The Tamil Language section focuses on the following aspects:

1. Grammar:

2. Vocabulary:

3. Comprehension:

4. Literature:

Preparation Strategy

1. Understand the Syllabus:

2. Gather Study Materials:

3. Focus on Conceptual Understanding:

4. Practice Regularly:

5. Time Management:

6. Stay Updated with Current Events:

7. Improve Your Tamil Language Skills:

8. Stay Motivated and Focused:

Important Resources

Tips for the Exam Day

Selection Process

After the written exam, candidates who clear the qualifying marks will be shortlisted for the next stage of the selection process, which is the Oral Test/Interview. The final selection of candidates for Group IV posts will be based on their performance in both the written exam and the interview.

Important Points to Remember

Table 1: TNPSC Group IV Exam Schedule 2024 (Tentative)

Event Date
Notification Release
Online Application
Last Date to Apply
Admit Card Release
Written Exam
Result Declaration
Final Result

Note: The dates mentioned above are tentative and may be subject to change. Candidates are advised to refer to the official notification for the latest updates.

Table 2: TNPSC Group IV Exam Syllabus Summary

Subject Topics
General Studies General Science, Current Events, History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Indian Culture and Heritage, Environment and Ecology, Disaster Management, General Aptitude and Mental Ability
Tamil Language Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Literature

Note: This table provides a brief overview of the syllabus. For detailed information, refer to the official syllabus released by TNPSC.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Short Answers:

1. What is the eligibility criteria for the TNPSC Group IV exam?

2. What is the exam pattern for the TNPSC Group IV exam?

3. What is the syllabus for the General Studies section?

4. What is the syllabus for the Tamil Language section?

5. How can I prepare for the TNPSC Group IV exam?

6. What are some important resources for preparing for the exam?

7. What are some tips for the exam day?

8. What is the selection process after the written exam?

9. When is the TNPSC Group IV exam scheduled for 2024?

10. Is there any age relaxation for reserved categories?

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