TNPSC Group IV Exam

Books for tnpsc group iv Exam 2024

Books for TNPSC Group IV Exam 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

The TNPSC Group IV exam is a highly competitive examination for recruitment to various posts in the Tamil Nadu government. To crack this exam, a well-structured study plan and the right study materials are essential. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the best books for the TNPSC Group IV exam in 2024, covering all the important subjects.

General Studies: The Foundation of Success

General Studies forms the backbone of the TNPSC Group IV exam, covering a wide range of topics. Here’s a breakdown of the best books for each subject:

1. History

2. Geography

3. Economics

4. Polity

5. Current Affairs

Subject-Specific Books

In addition to General Studies, the TNPSC Group IV exam also includes subject-specific papers. Here’s a list of recommended books for each subject:

1. General Tamil

2. General English

3. Aptitude and Reasoning

Table 1: Recommended Books for TNPSC Group IV Exam 2024

Subject Book Title Author Publisher
Tamil Nadu History History of Tamil Nadu S.S. Balachandran
Indian History A Brief History of Modern India Spectrum
Tamil Nadu Geography Geography of Tamil Nadu K.S. Chandrasekaran
Indian Geography India: A Comprehensive Geography D.R. Khullar
Indian Economy Indian Economy Ramesh Singh
Tamil Nadu Economy Tamil Nadu Economy K.S. Chandrasekaran
Indian Polity Indian Polity M. Laxmikanth
Tamil Nadu Polity Tamil Nadu Polity K.S. Chandrasekaran
General Tamil Tamil Grammar T.P. Meenakshisundaram
General English Objective General English S.P. Bakshi
Aptitude and Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R.S. Aggarwal

Effective Study Strategies

Table 2: Time Allocation for TNPSC Group IV Exam Preparation

Subject Time Allocation (in hours)
General Studies 10-12 hours per week
General Tamil 5-7 hours per week
General English 3-5 hours per week
Aptitude and Reasoning 3-5 hours per week
Current Affairs 2-3 hours per day


The TNPSC Group IV exam requires a dedicated and well-planned approach. By following the recommendations in this article and utilizing the right study materials, you can increase your chances of success in the exam. Remember to stay focused, practice regularly, and revise thoroughly to achieve your goal of securing a government job in Tamil Nadu.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Short Answers:

1. What are the most important subjects for the TNPSC Group IV exam?

2. Which books are recommended for General Studies?

3. Are there any specific books for Tamil Nadu-related topics?

4. How important is current affairs for the exam?

5. What are some good books for General Tamil and General English?

6. How can I prepare for Aptitude and Reasoning?

7. How many hours should I study per day?

8. Are previous years’ question papers important?

9. What are some tips for effective study?

10. Where can I find more information about the TNPSC Group IV exam?

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