TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam

Prelims Syllabus of tnpsc agricultural officer Exam 2024

Prelims Syllabus of TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam 2024

General Studies

1. General Science

2. Current Events

3. History

4. Geography

5. Indian Polity

6. Indian Economy

7. Indian Culture and Heritage

8. Tamil Nadu

9. Aptitude and Mental Ability


1. Agronomy

2. Horticulture

3. Plant Breeding and Genetics

4. Plant Pathology

5. Entomology

6. Agricultural Economics

7. Agricultural Extension

8. Farm Machinery and Power

9. Soil and Water Conservation

10. Organic Farming

Sample Tables

Table 1: Important Topics for TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam

Subject Important Topics
Agronomy Soil Science, Crop Production, Crop Physiology, Weed Management, Irrigation and Drainage
Horticulture Fruit Production, Vegetable Production, Floriculture, Landscape Gardening
Plant Breeding and Genetics Principles of Genetics, Plant Breeding Methods, Biotechnology in Agriculture
Plant Pathology Plant Diseases, Disease Management, Plant Quarantine
Entomology Insect Pests, Insect Control, Integrated Pest Management
Agricultural Economics Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Policy
Agricultural Extension Extension Methods, Rural Development
Farm Machinery and Power Tractors and Implements, Power Sources, Farm Mechanization
Soil and Water Conservation Soil Erosion, Water Conservation, Land Degradation
Organic Farming Principles of Organic Farming, Organic Inputs, Organic Certification

Table 2: Important Books for TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam

Subject Book Title Author
Agronomy Fundamentals of Soil Science Brady and Weil
Horticulture Principles of Horticulture Hartmann and Kester
Plant Breeding and Genetics Principles of Genetics Snustad and Simmons
Plant Pathology Plant Pathology Agrios
Entomology Textbook of Agricultural Entomology David and Kapoor
Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Extension Agricultural Extension
Farm Machinery and Power Farm Machinery
Soil and Water Conservation Soil and Water Conservation
Organic Farming Organic Farming

Note: This is a sample syllabus and may vary slightly from the official syllabus. It is recommended to refer to the official notification for the latest syllabus and exam pattern.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam 2024

General Studies

1. What are the major types of soil found in India?

2. What are the main features of the Indian Constitution?

3. What are the major challenges faced by the Indian economy?

4. What are the main objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

5. What are the major environmental issues facing India?


1. What are the major crops grown in Tamil Nadu?

2. What are the different methods of irrigation?

3. What are the major pests and diseases affecting crops in Tamil Nadu?

4. What are the benefits of organic farming?

5. What are the different types of fertilizers used in agriculture?

6. What are the different types of farm machinery used in agriculture?

7. What are the different methods of soil conservation?

8. What are the different types of agricultural extension methods?

9. What are the major challenges faced by the agricultural sector in India?

10. What are the government schemes and policies aimed at promoting agriculture in India?

Note: These are just a few examples of frequently asked questions. The actual questions may vary depending on the exam pattern and syllabus. It is important to refer to the official notification and study materials for a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern.

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