The Peshwas

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            1713-20   Balaji Vishwanath Shahu appointed him as the Peshwa.     1720-40   Baji Rao I Baji Rao I succeded who was the most charismatic leader in             Maratha history after Shivaji.He conquered Malwa, Bundelkhand             & even raided Delhi.     1740-61   Balaji Baji Rao Son of Baji Rao I  Balaji Baji Rao (Nana Saheb – different from             the later Nana Saheb, adopted son of Baji Rao II) who defeated             the Nizam of Hyderabad. The Maratha however received a             terrible blow at the hands of Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761-Panipat     1761-72   Madhav Rao I Defeated Nizam, Mysore, Rohillas, Rajputs Jats. In 1771 he             confined the Mughal emperor Shah Alam II  by giving pension.     1772-73   Narayan Rao Short tenure. Tussle with Ragunath Rao over Peshwa claim.     1774-95   Madhav Rao II Became Peshwa after treaty of Salbai supported by Nana             Phadnavis.  In the meantime Mahadji Scindia who had brought             Shah Alam under his control became the actual ruler of Delhi till             his death in 1794.     1796-1818   Baji Rao II Incompetent son of Raghunath Rao (who was had earlier stuggled             with Narayan Rao to become Peshwa & sided with Britishers)  




The Peshwas were a hereditary prime ministership of the MARATHA EMPIRE in India. The office was founded by Balaji Vishwanath Bhat in 1674, and the Peshwas ruled the Maratha Empire until 1818. The Peshwas were Brahmins from the Chitpavan subcaste. They were originally ministers to the Maratha king Shivaji, but they gradually assumed more power and became the de facto rulers of the empire. The Peshwas were responsible for the expansion of the Maratha Empire, and they also played a major role in the Mughal-Maratha Wars. The Peshwas were eventually overthrown by the British East India Company in 1818.

The Peshwas were a powerful and influential dynasty, and they left a lasting legacy on Indian history. They were responsible for the expansion of the Maratha Empire, and they also played a major role in the Mughal-Maratha Wars. The Peshwas were eventually overthrown by the British East India Company in 1818, but their legacy continues to this day.

Balaji Vishwanath Bhat

Balaji Vishwanath Bhat was the founder of the Peshwa dynasty. He was born in 1620 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a Brahmin from the Chitpavan subcaste. He was originally a minister to the Maratha king Shivaji, but he gradually assumed more power and became the de facto ruler of the empire. He died in 1700.

Bajirao I

Bajirao I was the son of Balaji Vishwanath Bhat. He was born in 1656 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a great military leader, and he expanded the Maratha Empire to its greatest extent. He died in 1740.

Balaji Bajirao

Balaji Bajirao was the son of Bajirao I. He was born in 1720 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a weak ruler, and he lost much of the territory that his father had conquered. He died in 1761.


Raghunathrao was the son of Balaji Vishwanath Bhat. He was born in 1670 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a power-hungry man, and he often clashed with his brother Bajirao I. He died in 1750.

Madhavrao I

Madhavrao I was the son of Balaji Bajirao. He was born in 1745 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a capable ruler, and he restored the Maratha Empire to its former glory. He died in 1772.

Nanasaheb Peshwa

Nanasaheb Peshwa was the adopted son of Madhavrao I. He was born in 1742 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a weak ruler, and he was unable to prevent the decline of the Maratha Empire. He died in 1796.

Bajirao II

Bajirao II was the son of Nanasaheb Peshwa. He was born in 1775 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a weak ruler, and he was unable to prevent the Maratha Empire from collapsing. He died in 1851.

Vishwasrao Peshwa

Vishwasrao Peshwa was the son of Bajirao II. He was born in 1780 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a minor when his father died, and he was unable to rule the Maratha Empire. He died in 1791.

Sawai Madhavrao II

Sawai Madhavrao II was the son of Vishwasrao Peshwa. He was born in 1774 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a minor when his father died, and he was unable to rule the Maratha Empire. He died in 1800.

Raghunathrao II

Raghunathrao II was the son of Bajirao II. He was born in 1778 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a weak ruler, and he was unable to prevent the Maratha Empire from collapsing. He died in 1853.

Bajirao III

Bajirao III was the son of Raghunathrao II. He was born in 1795 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He was a weak ruler, and he was unable to prevent the Maratha Empire from collapsing. He died in 1851.

Nana Phadnavis

Nana Phadnavis was a powerful minister during the reign of Bajirao II.

  1. Who were the Peshwas?
    The Peshwas were the prime ministers of the Maratha Empire in India. They were appointed by the Maratha king, Shivaji Maharaj, and served as his chief advisors and military commanders. The Peshwas were a powerful and influential family, and they played a major role in the expansion and consolidation of the Maratha Empire.

  2. When did the Peshwas rule?
    The Peshwas ruled from 1674 to 1818. They were appointed by Shivaji Maharaj, who founded the Maratha Empire in 1674. The Peshwas ruled as regents for Shivaji Maharaj’s son, Sambhaji, and then for Sambhaji’s son, Rajaram. After Rajaram’s death, the Peshwas ruled as independent rulers. The Peshwa rule came to an end in 1818, when the Maratha Empire was defeated by the British East India Company.

  3. What were the main achievements of the Peshwas?
    The Peshwas were responsible for the expansion and consolidation of the Maratha Empire. They also played a major role in the development of the Maratha military. The Peshwas were also patrons of the arts and literature.

  4. What were the main challenges faced by the Peshwas?
    The Peshwas faced a number of challenges during their rule. One challenge was the opposition of the Mughal Empire. The Mughals were the dominant power in India at the time, and they were not happy with the rise of the Maratha Empire. The Peshwas also faced challenges from within the Maratha Empire. There were a number of factions within the Maratha Empire, and these factions often fought each other.

  5. What was the legacy of the Peshwas?
    The Peshwas left a lasting legacy on India. They were responsible for the expansion and consolidation of the Maratha Empire, and they also played a major role in the development of the Maratha military. The Peshwas were also patrons of the arts and literature. The Peshwas’ legacy can still be seen in India today. There are many monuments and buildings that were built by the Peshwas, and their names are still remembered in many parts of India.

  1. The Peshwas were a powerful family of Brahmin ministers who ruled the Maratha Empire from 1749 to 1818.
  2. The Peshwas were originally appointed by the Maratha king Shivaji Maharaj to help him administer his kingdom.
  3. The Peshwas gradually became more powerful and eventually took over the Maratha Empire.
  4. The Peshwas were defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War and the Maratha Empire was dissolved.
  5. The Peshwas were a significant force in Indian history and their rule had a lasting impact on the country.

Here are some MCQs about the Peshwas:

  1. Who were the Peshwas?
    (a) A powerful family of Brahmin ministers who ruled the Maratha Empire from 1749 to 1818
    (b) A group of warriors who fought against the Mughal Empire
    (c) A religious sect that originated in India
    (d) A caste of people in India

  2. Who appointed the Peshwas?
    (a) The Mughal emperor
    (b) The Maratha king Shivaji Maharaj
    (c) The British East India Company
    (d) The Nizam of Hyderabad

  3. How did the Peshwas become more powerful?
    (a) They were appointed by the Maratha king Shivaji Maharaj to help him administer his kingdom.
    (b) They gradually took over the Maratha Empire.
    (c) They were defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War.
    (d) They were a significant force in Indian history.

  4. What was the impact of the Peshwas’ rule on India?
    (a) They had a lasting impact on the country.
    (b) They were a significant force in Indian history.
    (c) They were defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War.
    (d) They were a group of warriors who fought against the Mughal Empire.

  5. What happened to the Peshwas after the Third Anglo-Maratha War?
    (a) They were defeated by the British and the Maratha Empire was dissolved.
    (b) They were appointed by the British East India Company to help administer their new territories.
    (c) They were a significant force in Indian history.
    (d) They were a group of warriors who fought against the Mughal Empire.

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