The Gupta Dynasty

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Gupta Empire

  • The start of Gupta Empire is considered by many historian from the reign of Maharaja Shrigupta.
  • Chandragupta-I was the first powerful ruler of Gupta Empire and ascended the throne in 320 AD.
  • The Gupta Period from 320 AD to 550 AD is also known as the Golden Age of India.
  • In the Gupta period India attained the peak of glory in every aspects starting from science, art, literature, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy.

Emperors of Gupta Empire

  • Shrigupta and Ghatotkacha. The reign of Maharaja Shrigupta (240 AD to 280 AD) is considered by many historians to be the starting point of Gupta Empire.
  • Ghatotkacha succeeded his father Shrigupta and ruled from 280AD to 319 AD.

Chandragupta I

  • Chandragupta I was the son of Ghatotkacha and succeeded his father. He was the first powerful king of the dynasty. He ruled the Empire from 320 AD to 335 AD.
  • Chandragupta I adopted the title of Maharajadhiraja: meaning King of Kings.
  • He married princess Kumaradevi of neighboring kingdom Lichchhavi and gained the control of the territory of north Bihar.
  • The starting of the reign of Chandragupta-I is considered by many historians as the beginning of Gupta era.

Samudragupta and Chandragupta II

  • Samudragupta,succeeded his father Chandragupta I and ruled the Gupta dynasty for about 45 years from 335 AD to 380 AD. He is also known as ‘Napolean of India’.
  • Many historians believe that Chandragupta II was nominated by his father Samudragupta as the next heir of Gupta Empire.But Ramagupta,the eldest son of Samudragupta succeeded his father and became the emperor.
  • Chandragupta II killed him and ascended the throne. He was an extremely powerful emperor. Chandragupta II is most commonly known as Vikramaditya,ruled The Gupta Empire from 380 AD to 413 AD.

Other Emperors

  • Kumaragupta I,the son of Chandragupta II succeeded his father and ruled the dynasty till 455 AD. After Kumaragupta I, Skandagupta succeeded his father.
  • He is considered to be the last of the great Gupta emperors.
  • He also adopted the title of Vikramaditya.
  • After Skandagupta, the Gupta dynasty didn’t get any powerful ruler and finally the dynasty was overpowered by the Vardhana ruler Harshavardhana.

Note:Some of the weak rulers who ruled after Skandagupta were, Purugupta, Kumaragupta II, Budhagupta, Narasimhagupta, Kumaragupta III, Vishnugupta, Vainyagupta and Bhanugupta.

Fa-Hien‘s India Visit

  • Fa-hien was the first Chinese pilgrim who visited India during the reign of Gupta emperor Chandragupta II.

Nine Gems or Navaratnas

  • At the time of Vikramadityas reign, the glory of Gupta Empire reached its peak.
  • A circle of famous nine persons known as Nine Gems or Navaratnas were present in the court of Vikramaditya.

The group comprised of

  • Kalidasa
  • Vetala Bhatta
  • Varahamihira
  • Vararuchi
  • Amarasimha
  • Dhanvantari
  • kshapanak
  • Shanku
  • Ghatakarpura


  • Kalidasa was a famous Sanskrit writer and poet in the court of Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya).
  • Kalidasa was the author of three famous plays.
  • Abhijnanasakuntalam : tells the story of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala
  • Malavikagnimitram tells the story love of King Agnimitra with Malavika
  • Vikramorvasiyam tells the love story of King Pururavas and celestial fairy Urvashi
  • Kalidasa was also the author of two famous Sanskrit epic poems:
  • Raghuvamsa (“Raghu Dynasty “) and
  • Kumarasambhava.

Vetala Bhatta

  • Vetala Bhatta was a Brahmin in the court of Vikramaditya.
  • He is known for his contribution of “Nitipradipa “.


  • Varahamihira was an Indian astronomer, astrologer and mathematician of Gupta era.
  • He is famously known for his great work Pancha Siddhantika,a book on mathematical astronomy.
  • His other important contribution to the Indian Sanskrit literature is the Brihat-Samhita, an encyclopedia of astrology and other subjects of human interest.


  • Vararuci was one of the nine Gems in the court of Chandragupta II of Gupta era.


  • Amarasimha was one of the nine Gems in the court of Vikramaditya of Gupta era.
  • He is notably known for his famous Sanskrit thesaurus Amarakosha.
  • It is also known as Namalinganushasana.


  • Dhanvantari is regarded as one of the worlds first surgeons and medical practitioner from Gupta era.
  • He is considered as the origin exponent of Ayurveda.
  • He is also worshipped as the God of Medicine.
  • Sushruta, the author of famous Sushruta Samhita was the student of Dhanvantari.
  • He is also credited for the discovery of the antiseptic properties of turmeric and the preservative properties of salt.
  • Dhanvantri is considered to be the pioneer of modern plastic surgery.



The Gupta dynasty was an Indian imperial power that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent from the mid-4th to the late 6th centuries. The dynasty was founded by Chandragupta I in 320 CE, and reached its zenith under the reign of his grandson, Samudragupta (335-375 CE). The Guptas were a Hindu dynasty, and their rule saw a revival of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism and Sanskrit literature. The Guptas were also patrons of the arts, and their reign is considered to be the golden age of Indian art and literature.

The Gupta Empire was one of the largest and most powerful empires in Indian history. It stretched from the Indus River in the west to the Brahmaputra River in the east, and from the Himalayas in the north to the Vindhya Mountains in the south. The empire was divided into provinces, which were ruled by governors appointed by the emperor.

The Guptas were a tolerant and cosmopolitan dynasty. They welcomed foreign merchants and scholars, and their empire was a melting pot of cultures. The Guptas also promoted Trade and Commerce, and their reign saw a flourishing of the economy.

The Guptas were a major patrons of the arts. They built many temples, palaces, and other public works. They also supported the arts of painting, sculpture, and music. The Gupta period is considered to be the golden age of Indian art and literature.

The Guptas were also patrons of Education. They established many schools and universities, and Sanskrit became the language of education and administration. The Gupta period saw a revival of Hindu Learning, and many important works of Hindu philosophy and literature were written during this time.

The Guptas were a major patrons of science. They made significant advances in mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. The Guptas also developed a system of decimal numerals, which is the basis of the modern Number System.

The Guptas were a Hindu dynasty, and their rule saw a revival of Hinduism. The Guptas built many temples and promoted the study of Hindu scriptures. They also supported the Hindu caste system, which divided Society into four classes: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), and Shudras (laborers).

The Guptas were a tolerant dynasty, and they allowed other religions to flourish in their empire. Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism and Jainism were both popular religions during the Gupta period.

The Gupta Empire began to decline in the late 6th century. The empire was weakened by internal strife and external attacks. The Huns, a nomadic people from Central Asia, invaded the Gupta Empire in the early 6th century. The Huns sacked many cities and towns, and they weakened the Gupta army.

The Gupta Empire finally collapsed in 550 CE. The empire was divided into smaller kingdoms, and the Gupta dynasty came to an end.

The Guptas left a lasting legacy on Indian history. They were a major patrons of the arts, sciences, and education. They also promoted Hinduism and Sanskrit literature. The Gupta period is considered to be the golden age of Indian history.

The Guptas were a major influence on the development of Indian culture. Their rule saw a revival of Hinduism and Sanskrit literature. The Guptas were also patrons of the arts, and their reign is considered to be the golden age of Indian art and literature. The Guptas left a lasting legacy on Indian history, and their influence can still be seen in Indian culture today.

What is the Gupta Empire?

The Gupta Empire was an Indian empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent from the 4th to the 6th centuries CE. It was a golden age of Indian culture, science, and technology.

Who were the Guptas?

The Guptas were a family of Indian emperors who ruled over the Gupta Empire. They were originally from Magadha, in what is now Bihar, India.

When did the Gupta Empire rule?

The Gupta Empire ruled from the 4th to the 6th centuries CE.

What was the capital of the Gupta Empire?

The capital of the Gupta Empire was Pataliputra, in what is now Patna, India.

Who was the most famous Gupta emperor?

The most famous Gupta emperor was Chandragupta II, who ruled from 375 to 415 CE. He was known for his military conquests and his patronage of art and literature.

What were some of the achievements of the Gupta Empire?

The Gupta Empire was a golden age of Indian culture, science, and technology. Some of the achievements of the Gupta Empire include:

  • The development of a new system of mathematics, called the Gupta numerals.
  • The invention of the game of chess.
  • The construction of many beautiful temples and palaces.
  • The patronage of many great scholars and artists.

What was the cause of the decline of the Gupta Empire?

The Gupta Empire declined in the 6th century CE due to a number of factors, including:

  • The invasion of the Huns from Central Asia.
  • The rise of regional kingdoms.
  • Economic problems.

What is the legacy of the Gupta Empire?

The Gupta Empire left a lasting legacy on Indian culture and history. The Gupta period is often considered to be the golden age of India. The Guptas were patrons of art, literature, and science, and their achievements helped to shape the future of India.

  1. The Gupta Empire was a _ dynasty that ruled over much of _ from the 4th to the 6th centuries CE.
    (A) Hindu; India
    (B) Buddhist; China
    (C) Muslim; Persia
    (D) Jain; India

  2. The Gupta Empire was a golden age of ____ in India.
    (A) art
    (B) literature
    (C) science
    (D) all of the above

  3. The Gupta Empire was founded by ____.
    (A) Chandragupta I
    (B) Samudragupta
    (C) Chandragupta II
    (D) Kumaragupta I

  4. The Gupta Empire reached its peak under the rule of ____.
    (A) Chandragupta I
    (B) Samudragupta
    (C) Chandragupta II
    (D) Kumaragupta I

  5. The Gupta Empire declined due to a number of factors, including ____.
    (A) internal strife
    (B) invasions from the north
    (C) economic decline
    (D) all of the above

  6. The Gupta Empire was a major center of ____.
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Buddhism
    (C) Jainism
    (D) all of the above

  7. The Gupta Empire was a major center of ____.
    (A) Sanskrit literature
    (B) Prakrit literature
    (C) Tamil literature
    (D) all of the above

  8. The Gupta Empire was a major center of ____.
    (A) mathematics
    (B) astronomy
    (C) medicine
    (D) all of the above

  9. The Gupta Empire was a major center of ____.
    (A) art
    (B) architecture
    (C) sculpture
    (D) all of the above

  10. The Gupta Empire was a major center of ____.
    (A) trade
    (B) commerce
    (C) Industry
    (D) all of the above

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