<<2/”>a href=””>h2>TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)


TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data. It is a fundamental building block of the Internet, used for applications that require high data Integrity, such as web browsing, email, and file transfer.

Key Features

  • Connection-Oriented: TCP establishes a connection between two endpoints before data transmission. This connection ensures that data is delivered in the correct order and that any lost or corrupted packets are retransmitted.
  • Reliable Delivery: TCP guarantees that data is delivered without errors. It uses checksums to detect corrupted packets and retransmission mechanisms to ensure that all data is received.
  • Ordered Delivery: TCP delivers data in the order it was sent. This is crucial for applications that require sequential data processing, such as streaming media.
  • Flow Control: TCP regulates the rate of data transmission to prevent the receiver from being overwhelmed.
  • Congestion Control: TCP manages Network congestion by adjusting the transmission rate based on network conditions.

TCP Connection Establishment (Three-Way Handshake)

  1. SYN (Synchronization): The client sends a SYN packet to the server, requesting a connection.
  2. SYN-ACK (Synchronization-Acknowledgement): The server responds with a SYN-ACK packet, acknowledging the client’s request and sending its own SYN packet.
  3. ACK (Acknowledgement): The client sends an ACK packet, acknowledging the server’s SYN-ACK packet. This completes the connection establishment.

TCP Data Transmission

  • Segmentation: TCP divides data into segments, each containing a sequence number and checksum.
  • Transmission: Segments are transmitted over the network.
  • Acknowledgement: The receiver sends an ACK packet for each received segment.
  • Retransmission: If a segment is lost or corrupted, TCP retransmits it.

TCP Connection Termination

  • FIN (Finish): The client or server sends a FIN packet to indicate the end of data transmission.
  • FIN-ACK: The other endpoint responds with a FIN-ACK packet, acknowledging the FIN packet.
  • ACK: The original endpoint sends an ACK packet, acknowledging the FIN-ACK packet. This completes the connection termination.

TCP Header Structure

Field Description Size (Bytes)
Source Port Port number of the sending application 2
Destination Port Port number of the receiving application 2
Sequence Number Sequence number of the first byte in the segment 4
Acknowledgement Number Sequence number of the next byte expected from the receiver 4
Data Offset Offset of the data in the TCP segment 4
Reserved Reserved for future use 6
Flags Control flags indicating the type of segment 1
Window Size Maximum amount of data the receiver can accept 2
Checksum Checksum of the TCP header and data 2
Urgent Pointer Pointer to the urgent data 2
Options Optional fields for specific functionalities Variable

TCP Applications

  • Web Browsing: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) uses TCP to establish a secure connection between the client and the web server.
  • Email: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) rely on TCP for reliable email delivery.
  • File Transfer: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) uses TCP to transfer files between computers.
  • Remote Access: SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet use TCP to provide secure remote access to servers.
  • Streaming Media: TCP is used for streaming media applications, such as Netflix and YouTube, to ensure smooth and uninterrupted playback.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)


UDP is a connectionless protocol that provides unreliable, unordered, and best-effort delivery of data. It is often used for applications that require low latency and minimal overhead, such as real-time Communication, gaming, and streaming.

Key Features

  • Connectionless: UDP does not establish a connection before data transmission. This allows for faster communication but does not guarantee delivery or order.
  • Unreliable Delivery: UDP does not guarantee that data will be delivered. Packets can be lost or corrupted without notification.
  • Unordered Delivery: UDP does not guarantee that packets will be delivered in the order they were sent.
  • Minimal Overhead: UDP has a smaller header size than TCP, resulting in lower latency.

UDP Data Transmission

  • Datagram: UDP data is encapsulated in datagrams, which contain the source and destination Ports, length, and checksum.
  • Transmission: Datagrams are transmitted over the network without establishing a connection.
  • No Acknowledgement: UDP does not send acknowledgements for received datagrams.
  • No Retransmission: UDP does not retransmit lost or corrupted datagrams.

UDP Header Structure

Field Description Size (Bytes)
Source Port Port number of the sending application 2
Destination Port Port number of the receiving application 2
Length Length of the UDP datagram 2
Checksum Checksum of the UDP header and data 2

UDP Applications

  • Real-Time Communication: VoIP (Voice over IP) and video conferencing applications use UDP for low-latency communication.
  • Gaming: Online games often use UDP for fast and responsive gameplay.
  • Streaming: UDP is used for streaming applications, such as live broadcasts and online radio.
  • DNS (Domain Name System): UDP is used for DNS queries and responses.
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): UDP is used for DHCP requests and responses.


Feature TCP UDP
Connection Connection-oriented Connectionless
Reliability Reliable Unreliable
Order Ordered Unordered
Overhead High Low
Latency High Low
Applications Web browsing, email, file transfer Real-time communication, gaming, streaming

Table 1: TCP and UDP Applications

Application Protocol Description
Web Browsing TCP Establishes a secure connection between the client and the web server
Email TCP Ensures reliable delivery of emails
File Transfer TCP Transfers files between computers with high data integrity
Remote Access TCP Provides secure remote access to servers
Streaming Media TCP Ensures smooth and uninterrupted playback of streaming media
Real-Time Communication UDP Enables low-latency communication for VoIP and video conferencing
Gaming UDP Provides fast and responsive gameplay for online games
Streaming UDP Supports live broadcasts and online radio streaming
DNS UDP Handles DNS queries and responses
DHCP UDP Manages IP address allocation

Table 2: TCP and UDP Header Structure Comparison

Source Port 2 bytes 2 bytes
Destination Port 2 bytes 2 bytes
Sequence Number 4 bytes N/A
Acknowledgement Number 4 bytes N/A
Data Offset 4 bytes N/A
Reserved 6 bytes N/A
Flags 1 byte N/A
Window Size 2 bytes N/A
Checksum 2 bytes 2 bytes
Urgent Pointer 2 bytes N/A
Options Variable N/A
Length N/A 2 bytes

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

A: TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data. UDP is a connectionless protocol that provides unreliable, unordered, and best-effort delivery of data.

Q: When should I use TCP?

A: Use TCP for applications that require high data integrity, such as web browsing, email, and file transfer.

Q: When should I use UDP?

A: Use UDP for applications that require low latency and minimal overhead, such as real-time communication, gaming, and streaming.

Q: Can I use both TCP and UDP in the same application?

A: Yes, some applications use both TCP and UDP. For example, a streaming application might use UDP for the initial connection and TCP for the actual data transfer.

Q: Is TCP or UDP faster?

A: UDP is generally faster than TCP because it has lower overhead. However, TCP is more reliable and provides guaranteed delivery.

Q: What is the three-way handshake?

A: The three-way handshake is a process used by TCP to establish a connection between two endpoints. It involves three packets: SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK.

Q: What is a datagram?

A: A datagram is a unit of data transmitted over a network using UDP. It contains the source and destination ports, length, and checksum.

Q: What is a segment?

A: A segment is a unit of data transmitted over a network using TCP. It contains a sequence number, checksum, and other control information.

Q: What is flow control?

A: Flow control is a mechanism used by TCP to regulate the rate of data transmission to prevent the receiver from being overwhelmed.

Q: What is congestion control?

A: Congestion control is a mechanism used by TCP to manage network congestion by adjusting the transmission rate based on network conditions.

Q: What is a port number?

A: A port number is a unique identifier used to distinguish between different applications running on the same computer.

Q: What is a checksum?

A: A checksum is a value calculated from the data being transmitted to detect errors.

Q: What is retransmission?

A: Retransmission is the process of sending a lost or corrupted packet again.

Q: What is a FIN packet?

A: A FIN packet is used by TCP to indicate the end of data transmission.

Q: What is a SYN packet?

A: A SYN packet is used by TCP to request a connection.

Q: What is an ACK packet?

A: An ACK packet is used by TCP to acknowledge the receipt of a packet.

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