Ethical Values of Tulsidas

Tulsidas Tulsidas was the most important poet of the Rama Bhakti school. The wave of the Bhakti Movement spear-headed in the North by Ramananda may have influenced Tulsidas. But to Ramananda it was irrelevant whether the devotee was a Nirguna or Saguna Bhakta so long as he followed Ramananda’s preaching and had religious fervour. His … Read more

Saints And Social Reformers Of Uttarakhand

 Saints and Social Reformers of Uttarakhand Reminiscenes (Nantin Baba) The word Nantin, in the Uttarakhand parlance, connotes a child, and baba means a saint. Thus, Nantin baba means a child saint. A very young sadhu was first noticed roaming in the area extending from Bhowali to Gethia, near Nainital. Soon he … Read more

Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India

Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India is an open ended topic and as mentioned in RAS Mains updated syllabus we have bifurcated the topic to cover the topic in entity for RAS Mains exam. Hinduism-as-a-federation-of-various-sects-shaiva-vaishnava-and-shakta/”>Hindu Sects: Hinduism as a federation of various sects – Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta Nature and scope … Read more

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