Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and growth of Sufism

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and Growth of Sufism   Situated between Punjab and Delhi, Haryana had been the scene of frequent warfares which left disturbing effects and made life rather difficult. Although the Muslim rulers, by and large, adopted an intolerant Attitude towards the Hindus and frequently destroyed their holy places, the … Read more

Gandhian Thought: Truth and Non-violence, Satyagraha, Ends and Means, Religion and Politics

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was ‘a man of millennium’ who imparts the lesson of truth, Non- violence and peace. The philosophy and ideology is relevant still today.The philosophy of Gandhi was based on truth, sacrifice, non- violence selfless service and cooperation. In modern times, nonviolent methods of action have been a powerful tool for social protest. … Read more

Ethical Reasoning and Moral Dilemmas

The reputation and success of governance depends upon the conduct of public functionaries and what the public believe about their conduct. It is therefore of fundamental importance that public functionaries act justly and fairly to all, not only paying lip service to ethical conduct but also ensuring that these are manifestly and undoubtedly seen to … Read more

Ethical Values of Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo The criterion of social development, according to most of the Western social philosophers, is the moral progress in the individuals and Society. Thus ethics has been considered as the most potent method of social development.   This contention, to be fully verified and examined, requires a two-fold inquiry. First, what is that standard of … Read more

Hegel – Phenomenology and spirit

The Phenomenology of Spirit published in 1807, is based on a precious philosophical intuition: consciousness is not an completed institution, it is constructed, transformed to become other than itself. From this intuition, Hegel traces the epic adventure of the consciousness through its various stages, the evolution of consciousness, from sensitive consciousness to the absolute spirit. The Phenomenology of Spirit … Read more

Religious Movements: Sufism

‘Sufism’ is a term used to refer to mystical religious ideas in Islam. It had evolved into a well developed movement by the 11 century. Sufis, Stress on the importance of traversing the path of the Sufi pir enabling one to establish a direct communion with the divine. Sufism or mysticism emerged in the 8 … Read more


 BEHAVIOR : Learning AND MOTIVATION     Classification and types of motives, Theories of work motivation, Assessment of motivation     A need or motive directs us to act or behave in a particular way towards a certain goal or in other terms “It indicates the inner state of mind that energizes, activates … Read more

Essence Of Ethics (1)

 Essence of Ethics Ethics   comes from Greek word “ethos” means character, habit, culture, ways of behaviour etc.   Ethics is also called “moral philosophy”. The word “moral” comes from Latin word “mores” which signifies customs, character, behaviour, etc. Thus ethics may be defined as the systematic study of human actions from the point … Read more

Topological And Nontopological Conservation

 Topological & Non-Topological Conservation    Conservation – shape and structure of networks of interacting organisms in ecological systems In-situ conservation    Protect whole ecosystem at all levels to protect threatened species (save entire forest to save tiger)  Hot Spots – High endemism & high Species richness (in India – Western Ghats (Agasthyamalai hills, … Read more

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