Vegetation of Mizoram for Mizoram PSC

Vegetation of Mizoram The name, Mizoram derived from Mi (people), Zo(high rise place such as hill) and Ram(land), thus, Mizoram means “Land of the hill people”. As situated in the northeast, it is the southernmost landlocked state sharing borders with three of the seven states namely Tripura, Assam and Manipur. Mizoram also Shares 404 kilometre … Read more

Climate of Mizoram for Mizoram PSC

Climate of Mizoram Mizoram is a mountainous state nestling in the southern tip of the north-east region of India. Covered with verdant forests dominated by thick bamboo groves, teeming with vibrant wildlife, sheer cliffs and breath-taking waterfalls, dotted with unique landmarks of myriad folklores and picturesque villages of houses built on stilts, a land of … Read more

Vegetation of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Vegetation of Sikkim Sikkim provides a great variety of habitats, that support and sustains rich Flora and Fauna. The Vegetation of Sikkim changes from tropical to subtropical upwards through middle hills with much coniferous and Oak forests of temperate character to the higher slopes with sub alpine scrub and alpine “meadows” generally related to higher … Read more

West Bengal Climate

West Bengal Climate Weather In West Bengal   Summer Temperature: Maximum 450 C, Minimum 200 C Winter Temperature: Maximum 150 C, Minimum 80 C Average Rainfall: 175 cm Best Time To Visit: October to February (Deltas and Plains)   March to June and September to December (Mountains)     The climate of West Bengal experiences great variation, mainly in … Read more

Vegetation of Meghalaya

Vegetation of Meghalaya The floral diversity of Meghalaya is well reputed for its richness and has been a centre of attraction for many botanists. The presence of a large number of primitive flowering Plants has prompted Takhtajan (1969) to call it the Cradle of Flowering Plants’. Meghalaya harbours about 3,128 species of flowering plants and … Read more

Climate of Meghalaya

Climate of Meghalaya Meghalaya is at the unique confluence of the Indo-Malayan, an Indo-Chinese and Indian bio-geographical region coupled with its physiographic has generated a profusion of habitats, which harbours diverse biota with high level of endemism. Meghalaya’s economy is closely tied to its natural-resource-base and climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water, and Forestry. That … Read more

Vegetation of Nagaland

Vegetation of Nagaland The Vegetation of Nagaland represents the transition zone between the Indian, Indo-Malayan, Indo-Chinese bio-geographic region as well as a meeting place of Himalayan Mountains with that of Peninsular India and therefore acts as a bio-geographic gateway. Many ancient angiosperms and primitive flowering Plants are found here and therefore this area is considered … Read more

Climate of Nagaland for Nagaland PSC

Climate of Nagaland Nagaland, the 16th State of the Indian Union, came into being on 1st. December, 1963. Nagaland with a geographical area of about 16,579 Sq. Km. lies between 25°60‟ and 27°40‟ North latitude and 93°20‟ and 95°15‟ East longitude. The state is bounded by Assam in the North and West, by Myanmar and … Read more

Climate of Odisha

Climate of Odisha Geograraphical and Regional Situation (Physiography) of Odisha  Odisha is a state on the eastern seaboard of India, located between 170 degree 49’ and 220 degree 36’ North latitudes and between 810 36’ and 870 18’ East longitudes.  It spreads over an area of 1,55,707 sq km. and is largely divided … Read more

Natural hazards in Tamilnadu

Natural hazards in Tamilnadu Introduction Natural disasters are consequences of a NATURAL HAZARD like an earthquake, landslide, cyclone, flood, or tsunami which affects human activities. Human vulnerability to disasters is increased by POVERTY and the risk potential for disasters. A lack of planning, preparedness and appropriate emergency management systems can lead to devastating to human, animal, … Read more

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