Human Rights

Human Rights are commonly understood as inalienable Fundamental Rights “to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being,” and which are “inherent in all human beings” regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. The history of human rights can be traced to past documents, … Read more

Management of change and development

Development is the end result of Public Administration. The paradigm of development is depending on the nature of government and its policies. It may be ideologically driven or ethically motivated. It strips off the orthodox structuralism of public administration as put forward by classical Administrative theorists and attempts to cater the emerging need of a … Read more

Public Private Partnership In Health Care Services In India

Public/Private PARTNERSHIP In Health Care Services In India It is widely accepted that the deficiencies in public sector health system can only be overcome by significant reforms. The need for reforms in India’s Health sector has been emphasized by successive plan documents since the Eighth Five-Year Plan in 1992, by the 2002 national health policy … Read more


In societal development, conception of empowerment has vital role. This phrase is linked with

Chemical Reaction

The Rate of a Chemical Reaction can be defined as the amount of the reaction which occurs in unit time. The rate of a reaction is measured by choosing certain properties of the reaction which will indicate how far the reaction has gone, and whose magnitude can be observed with time without disturbing the reaction. … Read more

The Environment – development debate

Environmental influences are important both at the prenatal and postnatal stages of Human Development. At the prenatal stage, when a fetus is in the mother’s womb,  internal or external harmful agents, such as certain legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, lead and pollutants can harm the unborn baby’s development. The mother’s Nutrition, diseases and emotional Stress … Read more

Ecological Prints and Coping strategies

Ecological Footprint accounting measures the demand on and supply of nature.On the demand side, the Ecological Footprint measures the ecological assets that a given Population requires to produce the natural Resources it consumes (including plant-based food and fiber products, Livestock and fish products, timber and other forest products, space for urban Biodiversity, soil erosion, and … Read more

Folktales and folk legends of Chhattisgarh

Folktales and folk legends of Chhattisgarh Raja Nal and Mata Damyanti Damayanti chose Nala for her husband in preference to the gods. This angered one of the demigods, Kali. He caused Nala to lose his kingdom and all his possessions. Nala and Damayanti went into the forest, but got separated. They took up work under … Read more

 Solid Waste Management

E — WASTE E-Waste is not hazardous if it is stocked in safe storage or recycled by scientific methods or transported from one place to the other in parts or in totality in the formal sector. The e-waste can be considered hazardous if recycled by primitive methods Survey was carried out by the Central Pollution … Read more

Heat: Measuring Temperature, Thermometers, Transformation of Heat

Heat: Measuring Temperature, Thermometers, Transformation of Heat Heat, energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature. If two bodies at different temperatures are brought together, energy is transferred—i.e., heat flows—from the hotter body to the colder. The effect of this transfer of energy usually, but not … Read more

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