Folk songs of Nagaland

Folk songs of Nagaland Nagaland Music represents the rhythmically rich cultural heritage of the state. The tribes living in the remote corners of Nagaland have their inherent tradition of music. Since there are various tribal communities in Nagaland, the music of the state also expresses the melodious diversity of the same. The themes on which … Read more

Peasants and tribal movements in Nagaland

Peasants and tribal movements in Nagaland Nagas Rebellion  Nagas were once head hunters, as they used to cut off the heads of the enemies and preserve them as trophies. But with the advent of Christianity and Education, the Nagas, comprising more than 30 tribes, have evolved a rich culture and tradition. The Naga national movement … Read more

Fairs and festivals of Nagaland

Fairs and festivals of Nagaland Sekrenyi Festival The Sekrenyi Festival starts with the “kizie’ ritual and on the first day the men go for a bath to the village well. Two young tribals then clean the well at night and it is guarded to prevent anyone from using it after it is cleaned. The early … Read more

Handicraft of Odisha

Handicrafts in Odisha Odisha, the land of dexterous artists and craftsmen, possesses a rich artistic tradition which enjoyed liberal patronage from the temples as well as the nobility. Diverse and varied, the enthralling craft-work of Odisha depicts the magic of the deft hands of these artisans and puts forth a perfect medium to get a … Read more

Fishing in Odisha

Fishing  in Odisha Odisha is one of the major maritime States, offering vast scope for development of inland, brackishwater and marine INFRASTRUCTURE. A difficulty in imposing any limitation or stringent action on over-fishing, as fishing is a livelihood option for majority of poor people. Siltation of the fishery harbours and fish landing centres because of … Read more

Orissa handicrafts

  Orissan craftsmanship is unique for its technical perfection and artistic excellence. The Orissan handicrafts, dominated by religious themes, are a fascinating combination of beauty, grace and utility. The creations are gorgeously alive, blending the modern with the traditional and the material range from grass to Metal. The workmanship and skills of Oriya artists are … Read more

Folk Dances of Goa

Folk Dances of Goa Folklores bind the present with the past and keep the continuity of civilization. The originality of folklores has pleasantly surprised even most erudite scholars and litterateurs. Goa has a unique cultural heritage, rich and lively and it is known for several folk festivals and performances. Many castes, sub-castes and tribes mingled … Read more

Folk dances of Haryana

Folk dances of Haryana Ghumar Dance  Some dancers receive their inspiration from religion. The gods and the Elements are invoked to shower their blessing  on the labours of a community.  Ghumar is a Rajasthani dance but it is popular in Laharu, Dadri and some parts of the Hissar and Bhiwani, bordering Rajasthan. The dance is … Read more

JPSC Prelims Notes for History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of India

Ancient Period : [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”50″ tax_term=”1325″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] (i) The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features; (iilOrigin of the Aryans (iii) Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period. (iv) The Lichavi and their republican constitution. (v) The Rise of the Magadhan empire … Read more

Folk Dances of Himachal Pradesh

Folk Dances of Himachal Pradesh Himachal is called Dev Bhoomi as there is local deity that is looking over its patrons in each and every village of the state. And what better way to please the Gods than to dance for them. Dancing , when done with the body and soul gets you a direct … Read more

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