Policies and Performance of Industry

Objectives: To create high quality world class Horticulture, Floriculture, Bio-technology etc. To provide assured, good quality, uninterrupted and affordable power for industries. To simplify and rationalize labour laws and procedures in tune with the current day requirements To promote Small scale, Cottage and Khadi and Village Industries and Handicrafts Silk and Handloom sectors To address … Read more

Urbanization and economic growth in India

Introduction Urban areas have been recognized as “engines of inclusive economic Growth”. Of the 121 crore Indians, 83.3 crore live in rural areas while 37.7 crore stay in urban areas, i.e approx 32 % of the Population. The Census Of India, 2011 defines urban settlement as :- All the places which have Municipality, corporation, Cantonment Board … Read more

Capital formation in agriculture

Agricultural credit provided directly to farmers, called direct finance to farmer for agriculture, is either short-term or long-term. While short-term credit enables cultivators to procure inputs such as fertiliser and seeds needed for agricultural operations, long-term credit is meant for Investment in fixed assets such as Irrigation pumps, tractors, agricultural machinery and so on, thus … Read more

Food security, Agricultural pricing, Food Procurement and Public Distribution System

WHO Defines Food Security to exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food security has three interlinked contents such as :- Availability of food, Access to food and absorption of food. Food … Read more

Horticulture sector of Gujarat

INFRASTRUCTURE and to provide training to farmers on modern agricultural practices. The horticulture sector of Gujarat has a bright future. The sector is well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, nuts, oilseeds, and other agricultural products. The sector is also well-positioned to benefit from the government’s efforts to improve the … Read more

Gujarat Trade and Commerce

Gujarat Trade and Commerce The Growth story of Gujarat is one of a state punching above its weight. With only 6 per cent of India’s land mass and barely 5 per cent of its Population, Gujarat has managed to account for 7.6 per cent of the country’s GDP and 22 per cent of its exports. … Read more

Uttar Pradesh Economy Updated Data- Must for UPPSC Prelims and Mains Exam

Uttar pradesh:economy updates Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Uttar Pradesh for 2019-20 at current prices is estimated to be Rs 15,79,807 crore, which is 7% higher than the revised estimate for 2018-19. Total receipts Total receipts (excluding borrowings) for 2019-20 are estimated to be Rs 3,97,416 crore, an … Read more

Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design, implementation and Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Meaning of Public Policy Are goal oriented Are outcome of the government’s collective actions It is what the government actually decided or chooses to do Is positive in the sense that it depicts the concern of the government and involves its action to a particular problem on which the policy is made Distinction between policy … Read more

Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies

  Subsidy is one of the powerful fiscal instruments, besides taxes and others, by which the objective of Growth and social Justice may be achieved.   Subsidies alter relative prices and budget constraints and thereby affect decisions concerning production, consumption and allocation of Resources. Like many other countries, subsidies in Indian economy are pervasive. These … Read more

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