Issues and Challenges. Programmes and policies for the welfare of differently-abled persons, women and children and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the Himachal Pradesh

Issues and Challenges. Programmes and policies for the welfare of differently-abled persons, Women and children and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the Himachal Pradesh Schemes Relating to Children Integrated Child Development Services Scheme Under this scheme department is providing Nutrition to the pregnant, Lactating mothers, adolescent girls and children of 6 month to … Read more

Handicrafts of Telangana

Handicrafts of Telangana:- With the formation of Telangana state in the year 2014, there have been impressive strides in every arena. The state is known for its rich repertoire of arts and Handicrafts of Telangana and it is not an exaggeration to say that every district in the region, is home to one or the other … Read more

Civil Services in India : Types; Characterstics and Performance

Civil service refers to the body of government officials who are employed in civil occupations that are neither political nor judicial. The concept of civil service was prevalent in India from ancient times. The Mauryan administration employed civil servants in the name of adhyakshas and rajukas. The examination for civil servants in those days too … Read more

Basics of cyber security

Cyber security is a process, technique or procedure to ensure information security goals. Aim of Information Security is to provide CIA i.e. Confidentiality of information Integrity of information Availability of information   These 3 parameters (CIA) are called security goals/security Services. The other security objectives also include such other parameters as authenticity, authorisation, accounting and … Read more

Contempt of Court

Contempt of Court is the the offence of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers.Contempt is an act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body. It refers to any willful disobedience to, or disregard … Read more

Ethical Values and ethical Dilemma

Impartiality and Non-partisanship Impartiality and Non-partisanship Impartiality is a norm of Justice holding that decisions should be based on objective standards, instead of on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the advantage to one person over another for unsuitable reasons. Impartiality is acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally … Read more

What are the reasons for lowering of Parliamentary standards in India?

Parliament is a law making body and deliberation house. But over the period of time the standards of debates have decreased and law after getting out of parliament is under judicial scrutiny is a common affair. The reasons for the lowering of parliamentary standards are as: The ethical standards of legislators have declined at the … Read more

What is Mixed cropping? What is the criteria for the selection of crops during mixed cropping? Write down the advantages of mixed cropping? (science)

The practice of cultivating two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called mixed Cropping. During Mixed cropping, if one crop faces adverse conditions or pathogen attack then the other crop can be saved.The basic objective in mixed cropping is to minimize the risk and insure against the crop failure due to … Read more

Potential areas of socio-political conflicts

Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts Caste system The Caste System in India has its roots in ancient India. Just as the ashrama dharma laid down rules and duties with reference to the individual’s life in the world, varna or caste system prescribed duties with reference to the particular caste to which an individual belonged. Earlier … Read more

Major Industrial Sector Issues of Rajasthan.

  Industrialization in Rajasthan has been a recent phenomenon, as prior to the independence the Development Of Industries was restricted by the following factors:- Lack of Interest by the rulers Lack of technical know how Lack of transport facilities. RICCO has been established as an apex body for the development of industries in the state, … Read more

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