Digital divide & its prevention

Digital divide & its prevention Digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world. Digital dividends—the broader development benefits from using these technologies have lagged behind. In many instances digital technologies have boosted Growth, expanded opportunities, and improved service delivery. Yet their aggregate impact has fallen short and is unevenly distributed. For digital technologies … Read more

Planning in Karnataka

Planning in Karnataka   The British, according to their colonial policies, were encouraging the raising of crops which served as raw material, required for their industrial productions. They introduced American long fibre Cotton into Karnataka. The Cotton Boom of the 1860’s (American Civil War days) had its own impact. In the long run it helped … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Karnataka

Animal Husbandry of Karnataka The Animal Husbandry and Livestock Sector plays an important role for the rural economy of Karnataka. Animal husbandry plays a vital role and provides additional Source Of Income to the farmers of the country. Animal products, for long, have also played an important role in the socio-economic life of the country. … Read more

Karnataka Human Development Index

Karnataka Human Development index “Karnataka has been a pioneer among Indian States in the matter of paying attention to human development at the State and District levels. The first State Human Development Report for Karnataka was published in 1999. Karnataka is also the first State to bring out individual District Human Development Reports for all its … Read more

Cropping Patterns in Karnataka

Cropping Patterns in Karnataka Karnataka is India’s eighth largest state in geographical area covering 1.92 lakh sq km and accounting for 6.3 per cent of the geographical area of the country. The state is delineated into 30 districts and 176 taluks spread over 27,481 villages. In Karnataka, agriculture is the major occupation for a majority … Read more

Health Care System in India and Uttarakhand.

Government of India is committed to the goal of ‘Health for All’  The obligation of the Government to ensure the highest possible health status of India’s Population and access to quality health care has been recognized by a number of key policy documents.Health care system supplement in improving the health of individuals, particularly those belonging … Read more

Karnataka soil

  Eleven groups of Soil orders are found in Karnataka Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Spodosols, Alfisols, Ultisols, Oxisols, Aridisols, Vertisols, Andisols and Histosols. Depending on the agricultural capability of the soil, the Soil Types are divided into six types viz., Red, lateritic(lateritic soil is found in bidar and kolar district), black, alluvio-colluvial, forest and coastal soils. The common Types of Soil groups found in Karnataka are Red soils: Red … Read more

Karnataka Wildlife and eco-tourism

  Karnataka is a land of diverse Flora and Fauna. About 22.61% of Karnataka’s geographical area is covered under forests. The state is home to a large variety of fauna. Many of the fauna species found in the state are recognized as endangered species. The mesmerising wildlife of Karnataka is one of the main attractions … Read more

Environmental and Ecological Issues.

[su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”20″ post_type=”post,page” tax_term=”1337″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc” orderby=”modified”], The Environment is the natural world that surrounds us. It includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the land we live on. The environment is essential for our survival, and it is important to protect it. There are many environmental … Read more

Production of Hybrid seeds and their processing techniques

Seed is the true carrier of technology. In India, three sets of institutions produce seeds:research institutions and agricultural universities; public sector seed producing corporations; andprivate sector firms including multinationals. The last decade has seen two main developmentsin seed market. One, production of quality seed has risen at a rapid rate after 2005-06. And two,public sector … Read more

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