Weather forecast

Weather forecast There are two ways for weather forcasting: Short-range forecasting Meteorologists can make somewhat longer-term forecasts (those for 6, 12, 24, or even 48 hours) with considerable skill because they are able to measure and predict atmospheric conditions for large areas by computer. Using models that apply their accumulated expert knowledge quickly, accurately, and … Read more

Tax Expenditure

The following are subtopics of tax expenditure: Exclusions Deductions Credits Deferrals Special rates Other tax expenditures Exclusions are amounts that are not included in gross income. For example, the exclusion of interest on state and local BondsBonds is a tax expenditure. Deductions are amounts that are subtracted from gross income to arrive at taxable income. … Read more

Sunset Clause in India

Sunset Clause in India A sunset clause is a provision in a contract or agreement that specifies a date after which the contract or agreement will automatically terminate. This type of clause is often used in business contracts, as it allows both parties to know when the agreement will end and to plan accordingly. Sunset … Read more

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