Beginning of European settlements:Formation and growth of East India Company; Consolidation of British power in India : Battles of Plassey and Buxar; Control over Mysore; Subsidiary Alliance; Doctrine of Lapse; Doctrine of Escheat

Beginning of European settlements:Formation and Growth of East India Company;  Luxury goods produced in east asian countries such as pepper, spices such as cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, silks, cottons, tea and coffee were in great demand in Europe.These luxury goods from the East Indies came to Europe in small quantities via complex trade routes. Several … Read more

Structure of Government and economic policies of British Empire in India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies

Structure Of Government And Economic Policies Of British Empire In India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies Structure of government under east India company (1757-1857) When the officials of the East India Company acquired control over Bengal in 1765, they had little intention of making any innovations in its administration. They only … Read more

Policy Of Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine Of Lapse, Structure Of British Raj Upto 1857

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”>   Of all the European East India companies which came to India as traders in different periods of the 15th and 16th centuries, only the British and the French East India companies remained as dominant ones by the beginning of the 18th century. In the first decade of … Read more

India in the Eighteenth Century

Bahadur Shah 1 (1707-12) Muzam succeeded Aurungzeb after latter’s death in 1707 He acquired the title of Bahadur Shah. Though he was quite old (65) and his rule quite short there are many significant achievements he made He reversed the narrow minded and antagonistic policies of Aurungzeb Made agreements with Rajput states Granted sardeshmukhi to … Read more

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