Populations of Haryana

Populations of Haryana As per details from Census 2011, Haryana has Population of 2.54 Crores, an increase from figure of 2.11 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Haryana as per 2011 census is 25,351,462 of which male and female are 13,494,734 and 11,856,728 respectively. In 2001, total population was 21,144,564 in which males were 11,363,953 … Read more

Discussion Forum for JPSC Mains Exam

Dear All we have launched a discussion forum for the dedicated preparation and guidance for 6th JPSC Mains Exam. Users will be able to get following Services:- Doubt clearance for Mains topics by PSC Notes Experts. Continuation of Daily Mains Practice Question (DMPQ). Requests for redevelopment of notes (for topics not upto the students satisfaction). … Read more

Awards of Jharkhand

Awards of Jharkhand Jharkhand ratna It’s the highest honour of Jharkhand state.The award includes a letter of recognition for their outstanding performance in their field and a cash reward of Rs 500,000. jharkhand seva ratna award This State-level award iss given by the Vishwa Sewa Parishad. This award is given to renown persons coming from … Read more

Administrative system of Jharkhand

Administrative system of Jharkhand People of Jharkhand have broadly three tier level of DECISION MAKING process within the laws. Village council:-all the people residing in village are included into it. This is a primary traditional decision making process which is called village council or hatu dunub. Head of each village is called by unique name … Read more

Administrative System of Gujarat

Administrative System of Gujarat Government of Gujrat is a democratically elected body that governs the State of Gujrat, India. The State Government is headed by the Governor of Gujrat as the nominal head of state, with a democratically elected Chief Minister as the real head of the executive. The governor who is appointed for five … Read more

Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other major democratic countries

Comparison Of The Indian Constitution With That Of Other Countries Salient Features of Indian Constitution The bulkiest constitution of the world The Indian constitution is one of the bulkiest constitution of the world, comprising of 395 articles, 22 parts and 12 schedules. So far the constitution underwent 100 amendments. Rigidity and flexibility  The Indian constitution … Read more

UP-Short introduction for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Uttar Pradesh State Information Capital : Lucknow Districts :70 Languages: Hindi, Urdu, English Introduction to Uttar Pradesh   Uttar Pradesh has multicultural, multiracial, fabulous wealth of nature-hills, valleys, rivers, forests, and vast plains. Viewed as the largest tourist destination in India, Uttar Pradesh boasts of 35 million domestic tourists. More than half of the foreign … Read more

The Shakes for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Shakas had set up their Kshsatraps in Mathura. The brahmi inscription s of Mora(Mathura ) is associated with Sakas. The Sakas conquered the area of Mathura over Indian kings around 60BCE. Some of their satraps were Hangamasha and Hagana, who were in turn followed by the Saka Great Satrap Rajuvula. … Read more

Disaster management in India including Disaster Management ACT 2005, National and state policies, Plans and institutional mechanism in the country

Highlights of the National Disaster Management Plan The National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) is the first ever national plan prepared in the country. Following are the highlights of the NDMP: The NDMP has been aligned broadly with the goals and priorities set out in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Vision of the … Read more

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

State INFRASTRUCTURE, Natural Resources Management and Services have been identified for preparation of EMP. Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board :- Conservation, regulation of the biological resources, sustainable utilization and sharing of benefits accruing out of the use of biological resources and traditional knowledge based on local biological resources on Equity and gender basis amongst the … Read more

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