2.7 Compassion Towards Weaker Section

 Compassion: Definition Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Compassion is not the same as Empathy or altruism, though the concepts are related. While empathy refers more generally to our ability to take … Read more

Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose

  Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose Arjun Sen Gupta   Public Sector Enterprise Autonomy Committee         Rangarajan Committee   Disinvestment of PSUs & Balance of Payments. Malhotra Committee   Insurance Sector & its regulation. Follow up led to setting up of IRDA. Madhukar Committee   Gold exchange traded fund implementation. L.C. Gupta Committee … Read more

Current Account

The Current Account: A Vital Indicator of a Nation’s Economic Health The current account is a crucial component of a country’s balance of payments, reflecting its overall economic performance and international competitiveness. It tracks the flow of goods, services, income, and transfers between a nation and the rest of the world. Understanding the current account … Read more

Committee on Public Undertakings

The Committee on Public Undertakings: A Watchdog for Public Finances The Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU) is a parliamentary committee in India that plays a crucial role in scrutinizing the functioning of public sector undertakings (PSUs). Established in 1964, the COPU acts as a watchdog, ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the utilization of public … Read more

Issues in functioning of Parliament

The House Divided: Examining Key Issues in the Functioning of Parliament Parliament, the cornerstone of representative democracy, is tasked with the crucial role of enacting laws, scrutinizing the government, and representing the will of the people. However, in recent times, the functioning of parliaments across the globe has come under increasing scrutiny, with concerns raised … Read more

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