Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change

Concept Of Social Legislation Legislation is an instrument to control, guide and restrain the behaviour of individuals and groups living in Society. Individuals and groups left in absolute freedom may clash with each other in the pursuit of their self interest at the cost of others.They cause grave harm to society leading to chaos. Legislation … Read more

Social disorganization-Anomie and Alienation

Social Disorganization-Anomie and Alienation The social disorganization theory is one of the most important theories developed by the Chicago School, related to ecological theories. The theory directly links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics; a core principle of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In other words, a person’s residential location is a substantial … Read more

Social Stratification – Caste and Class. Social Processes

Caste ,Class & Occupation The caste system is a Classification of people into four hierarchically ranked castes called varnas. They are classified according to occupation and determine access to wealth, power, and privilege. The Brahmans, usually priests and scholars, are at the top. Next are the Kshatriyas, or political rulers and soldiers. They are followed … Read more

The public and Private administration

The Public and Private Administration:-Public Administration is different from private administration in three important aspects, the first is the political character, secondly the breadth of scope, impact and consideration and public accountability. These differences seem very fundamental and very valid in the Iight of our own exploration of the subject in previous articles. Following principles … Read more

Concept of civilization and Culture

Concept of civilization A civilization is a complex human Society, usually made up of different cities, with certain characteristics of cultural and technological development. In many parts of the world, early civilizations formed when people began coming together in urban settlements. However, defining what civilization is, and what societies fall under that designation, is a … Read more


 Society, Community, Association, Institution, Social group, Folkways and Mores Society society is an organization of people whose associations are with one another. MacIver describes society as a web of relationships. There are a number of definitions of society. Most of them point to the following characteristics of society. The first condition for calling … Read more

Decision Making Under Uncertainty

 DECISION MAKING under uncertainty The area of choice under uncertainty represents the heart of decision theory. Known from the 17th century (Blaise Pascal invoked it in his famous wager, which is contained in his Pensées, published in 1670), the idea of expected value is that, when faced with a number of actions, each of which could give rise … Read more

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