Forest- Types and Conservation

Forest Biodiversity, forming a complex ecosystem. Plantation is different from natural forest as these planted species are often of same type and doesn’t support a variety of natural biodiversity. Forests provide various natural Services and products. Many forest products are used in day-today life. Besides these, forests play important role in maintaining ecological balance & … Read more


  Karnataka is spread across a geographical area of 191,791 square km (74,051 sq. mi). The recorded forest area of Karnataka is 43,356.47 sq. km, as per the annual report of the state’s Forest Department for the year 2014-15. Karnataka’s forest area is about 22.61% of the state’s geographical area. It accounts for around 6.18% of … Read more

Vegetation of Madhya Pradesh

Vegetation of Madhya Pradesh:- Vegetation of Madhya Pradesh is an important arena of its natural wealth. The dense forests stretching over one-third of the state is the producer of India’s best teak wood. Madhya Pradesh has a distinctly diverse topography and hence a wide range of variation in the Soil and vegetation. The vegetation at … Read more


  found where rainfall is about 25-75 cm per year, not enough to support a forest, but more than that of a true desert. vegetation formations that are generally found in temperate climates. In India, they are found mainly in the high Himalayas. The rest of India’s grasslands aremainly composed of steppes and savannas. Steppe … Read more

Forest Types And Conservation Of Forest And Forest Resources

 Forest- Types and Conservation of Forest and Forest Resources A forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly composed of trees, shrubs and is usually a closed canopy. Forests are storehouses of a large variety of life forms such as Plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Also the forests have abundant Microorganisms … Read more

Natural Vegetation of Rajasthan

  Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of natural Resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges. Forest cover is 32744.49 is reserved, 18222 Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total … Read more

Classification of Eco-system

  Natural Ecosystem- Terrestrial- Forests, Grasslands, Deserts Aquatic- Fresh Waters, Saline Waters, Marine Waters Ecotone :- a zone of junction between two or more diverse Ecosystems. For e.g. the mangrove forests represent an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem. Characteristics of Ecotone It may be very narrow or quite wide. It has the conditions intermediate … Read more

Savannah Climate

Savannah Climate: A Tapestry of Warmth, Wetness, and Wildfire Savannahs, those iconic landscapes of open grasslands dotted with scattered trees, are found across the globe, from the African savannas to the Australian outback. These ecosystems are shaped by a unique climate characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons, warm temperatures, and a constant threat of … Read more

Types of Climate

Understanding the Diversity of Earth’s Climate: A Journey Through Types The Earth’s climate is a complex and dynamic system, shaped by a multitude of factors including solar radiation, atmospheric composition, ocean currents, and landforms. This intricate interplay results in a wide range of climatic conditions across the globe, each with its unique characteristics and ecological … Read more

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