Agriculture in Meghalaya

agriculture in Meghalaya Meghalaya is basically an agricultural state with about 80% of its Population depending entirely on agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 10% of the geographical area of Meghalaya is under cultivation. Agriculture in the state is characterised by limited use of modern techniques, low yields and low productivity. As a result, despite the … Read more

Conductors, semiconductors and insulators

Conductors, semiconductors and insulators Materials are classified as conductors, insulators, or semiconductors according to their electric conductivity. The classifications can be understood in atomic terms. Electrons in an atom can have only certain well-defined energies, and, depending on their energies, the electrons are said to occupy particular energy levels. In a typical atom with many … Read more

Rubbers (polyisoprene and polybutadiene)

Rubbers There are many different kinds of rubber, but they all fall into two broad types: natural rubber (latex—grown from Plants) and synthetic rubber (made artificially in a chemical plant or laboratory). Commercially, the most important synthetic rubbers are styrene butadiene (SBR), polyacrylics, and polyvinyl acetate (PVA); other kinds include Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polychloroprene (better … Read more

Agriculture : Wheat, Rice, Millet, Tea, Coffee and Rubber

  Rice The rice is cultivated on the largest areas in India. Historians believe that while the Indica variety of rice was first domesticated in the area covering the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas (i.e. north-eastern India).Rice is a nutritional staple food which provides instant energy as its most important component is carbohydrate (starch). Rice … Read more

Carbon and its compounds

Carbon is the common element found in all known form of life. Structure of all living organism contains carbon. Carbon present in living organism even after death. Coal, petroleum and its products are compounds of carbon. Carbon is an element and a non-Metal. Symbol of Carbon = C Atomic number of carbon = 6 Atomic … Read more

Polymers and their uses

A molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from Molecules of low relative molecular mass is called a polymer. A polymer  is a large molecule, or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits. Due to their broad range of properties,both synthetic and … Read more

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