Fundamental Rights & Duties

The Indian constitution originally provided 7 categories of Fundamental Rights. But one fundamental right, that to property was removed from the list of fundamental rights by 44th amendment. Right to Property now is an ordinary legal right. Thus there are now 6 categories of fundamental rights. These are:  (1) Right to Equality (Arts. 14-18). In … Read more

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Public Service Act and its implications.

Delivering public Services in a time bound, decentralised and citizen friendly manner has been one of the major challenges facing the administration wing of the government.Right To Service legislation in India comprises statutory laws which guarantee time-bound delivery of various public services rendered to citizens and provides mechanism for punishing the errant public servant if … Read more

Rights of differently-able persons and quality of life for them

Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, provides for medical facilities, Education, EMPLOYMENT, creation of barrier free Environment, social security etc. The State Government is instrumental in implementing the various provisions of the Act. The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment (SJ&E) is the nodal Department for coordinating and … Read more

The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993

The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) mooted the idea 01 the creation of an impartial institution for the protection of human rigfits in the States as early as 1946. In pursuance of the resolution of the General Assembly adopted in 1966,’ the Economic and Social … Read more

State Human Rights Commission

State Human Rights Commission A State Commission is to be composed of a chairman and some members appointed by the Governor in consultation with the Chief Minister, Home Minister, Speaker and Leader of the Opposition in State Assembly. The chairman is to be a retired judge of the High Court; one of the members should … Read more

National And State SCST Commission

 National and state SC/ST commission National SC commission National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) is an Indian constitutional body established with a view to provide safeguards against the exploitation of Scheduled Castes to promote and protect their social, educational, economic and cultural interests, special provisions were made in the Constitution.   Functions To … Read more


 CONTRACTS AND Consumer protection A consumer contract is a legally binding agreement between you and the consumer concerning the sale of goods or the supply of Services. Elements of a Contract Offer An offer is a promise to act or refrain from acting, which is made in exchange for a return promise to … Read more

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