Right To Information Act (RTI)

    Right To Information is a fundamental right of any citizen of India to know what is happening with the government. Every individual has the freedom to seek any government related information through this RTI act 2005. The Right to information act (2005) is one of the key legislation enacted by the Parliament which … Read more

Right to Education Act

Education is the most powerful tool which can shape the destiny of an individual as well as the whole nation. It is also the key to INFRASTRUCTURE including school building, teaching staff and Learning equipment;, The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act) is an Act of the Parliament of … Read more

Right to information act

Right To Information is a fundamental right of any citizen of India to know what is happening with the government. Every individual has the freedom to seek any government related information through this RTI act 2005. The Right to Information Act (2005) is one of the key legislation enacted by the Parliament which guarantees the … Read more

Right to Service Act

Delivering public Services in a time bound, decentralised and citizen friendly manner has been one of the major challenges facing the administration wing of the government.Right To Service legislation in India comprises statutory laws which guarantee time-bound delivery of various public services rendered to citizens and provides mechanism for punishing the errant public servant if … Read more

Right to Property

  Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the people and the charter of rights contained in Part III of Constitution of India. It guarantees civil liberties such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony as citizens of India. These include individual rights common to most liberal democracies, such as Equality … Read more

Right to Education in Uttarakhand

Right to Education in Uttarakhand The education is the key for gaining knowledge, power of reasoning and judgment and preparing oneself or others intellectually for better life. It act as powerful tool to shape the destiny of a person and the whole nation also and it also differentiates a man from the beast. The education … Read more

Ethical Reasoning and Moral Dilemmas

The reputation and success of governance depends upon the conduct of public functionaries and what the public believe about their conduct. It is therefore of fundamental importance that public functionaries act justly and fairly to all, not only paying lip service to ethical conduct but also ensuring that these are manifestly and undoubtedly seen to … Read more

Information Commission

The Central Information Commission has been constituted with effect from 12-10-2005 under the Right To Information act, 2005. The jurisdiction of the Commission extends over all Central Public Authorities. The Commission has certain powers and functions mentioned in sections 18, 19, 20 and 25 of the RTI Act, 2005.These broadly relate to adjudication in second … Read more

Ethical Values and ethical Dilemma

Impartiality and Non-partisanship Impartiality and Non-partisanship Impartiality is a norm of Justice holding that decisions should be based on objective standards, instead of on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the advantage to one person over another for unsuitable reasons. Impartiality is acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally … Read more

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