Agriculture of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

agriculture of Sikkim The economy of Sikkim is linked with Agriculture of Sikkim that serves as the source of livelihood and economic security of sizeable native Population. The Growth, however, has been restricted because of biotic and abiotic factors. It is estimated that over 80 per cent of the rural population depends on agriculture and … Read more

Agriculture of West Bengal

agriculture of West Bengal West Bengal is located between 21⁰31’ & 27⁰14’ North Latitude and 85⁰91’ & 89⁰53’ East Longitude. The tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the state covering the district in the East, Nadia and Bardwan and in the West Bankura and Purulia. The state has occupied a geographical area of … Read more

Agriculture in Meghalaya

agriculture in Meghalaya Meghalaya is basically an agricultural state with about 80% of its Population depending entirely on agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 10% of the geographical area of Meghalaya is under cultivation. Agriculture in the state is characterised by limited use of modern techniques, low yields and low productivity. As a result, despite the … Read more

Agriculture in Odisha

agriculture in Odisha According to the 2011 Census Of India, 61.8% of the Odisha’s working Population are engaged in agricultural activities. However, the agricultural’s contribution to the GSDP was 16.3% in the fiscal year 2013-14 and it was estimated to be 15.4% in 2014-15. The area under cultivation was 5,691 hectares in 2005-06 and it … Read more

Agriculture of Tamilnadu

agriculture of Tamilnadu Introduction Agriculture is socially, economically and culturally entwined with the lives of people of Tamil Nadu. Agriculture cannot be easily dispensed with as it is the key component of economic Growth and development. Agriculture is undergoing perceptible changes as it gets transformed from a traditional to modern economy which is an important step towards Economic … Read more

Climate of Punjab

Climate of Punjab:- Introduction:- Climate can be defined as the Average weather experienced by a region over a period of time. There are various deciding factors for climatic changes like Precipitation, temperature, clouds, wind and sunshine. Climate governs the various factors like Economic Development, clothing, food habits, cultural and social living of the region. Punjab … Read more

Vegetation of Punjab

Vegetation  of Punjab:- Introduction:- Plains in the state of Punjab do not have any thick forests, the only available patches are of grass, small bush and shrubs. In the southern east part of state of Punjab and the areas of Hoshiarpur and Multan, the delicious mango fruit is grown. The other varieties of fruits that … Read more

Agricultural Production and Cropping Pattern in Punjab

Agricultural Production and Cropping Pattern The total production of foodgrains has increased over the years. It was 192.18 lakh metric tons in 1990-91 and showed increase of 38.95% in 2014-15(P) i.e. 267.03 lakh metric tons. Further, it is estimated that the production of foodgrains would be 286.05(E) lakh metric ton in 2015-16.  The production of … Read more

Cropping Pattern of Goa for Goa PSC

Cropping Pattern of Goa Cropping systems of a region are decided by and large, by a number of Soil and climatic parameters which determine overall agro-ecological setting for nourishment and appropriateness of a crop or set of crops for cultivation. Nevertheless, at farmers’ level, potential productivity and monetary benefits act as guiding principles while opting … Read more

Economy growth of Jharkhand & Others policies of Jharkhand

  economy Growth of Jharkhand has been slow in comparison with the national Average. The economy depends mostly on mineral Resources, industries, agricultural, and tourism sectors. The State’s Gross Domestic Product amounted to US $ 14 billion in 2004, which moved to US $ 22.46 billion in 2010-11. Jharkhand‘s per capita income increased by 40.82 … Read more

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