Role Of Non

 Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) NGOs are voluntary organization’s. These are popularly known as NGOs because they are free from governmental control in their functioning. They are democratic and open to all those wishing to become member of the organization voluntarily and serve the Society. NGO have a long history in India. In … Read more

Expanding Horizons Of Fundamental Rights

 Expanding horizons of Fundamental Rights; Enforceability against State and others Founding fathers influenced by Bill of Rights of American Constitution, Declaration of Rights of Man of France, The Irish Constitution of 1935, the post war Constitution of Japan & Burma, the Universal Human Rights’ Chapter & Nehru Report of 1928 engrafted fundamental rights … Read more

Development Of Railway (1)

 Development Of Railway, Industralization and constitutional development during British period   Railway The British created the Indian Railways. They envisioned it, planned it, engineered it and instructed poor Indian laborers how to build it. There is a common misconception that the British “gifted” India the Railways. Nothing could be more wrong. The British … Read more

Variation In The Population In Various Countries

 Variation in the Population in various countries The Growth of Human Population: Four Major Periods or Stages An early period of hunters and gatherers   This period ranges between the first evolutions of humans on this planet to the beginning of agriculture. During this period, it is estimated that the total population was … Read more

Flood And Drought Occurence

 Flood and Drought Occurrence Drought Drought is a complex, slow-onset phenomenon of ecological challenge that affects people more than any other natural hazards by causing serious economic, social and environmental losses in both developing and developed countries. The period of unusual dryness (i.e. drought) is a normal feature of the Climate and weather … Read more

Migration And Metropolitan Regions

 Migration and Metropolitan Region Migration Migration has been defined as crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movements of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, … Read more

Demographic Dividend And Transition

 Demographic dividend and transition Demographic dividend The term “demographic dividend” (DD) refers to the accelerated economic Growth that a country can achieve when it has a low dependency ratio or, in other words, when the proportion of its Population that is of working age is greater than the proportion of its population that … Read more

Dimensions Of Ethics (1)

 Dimensions of ethics Dimensions of ethics is a set of questions that arise when considering how one ought to act, morally speaking. Normative ethics is distinct from meta-ethics because it examines standards for the rightness and wrongness of actions. There are various approach to this. These are the important dimensions of ethics: Meta … Read more

Code Of Ethics (2)

 Code of ethics Ethics codes are as old as antiquity. Religious traditions and civic cultures have codes as their foundations. The Mosaic Decalogue (Ten Commandments) is the keystone for Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Pericles made the Athenian code the underpinning of ancient Greek politics and culture. In each case codes carry general obligations … Read more

3.8 Social Influence

 Social influence Social influence occurs when a person’s emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Social influence takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, Leadership, Persuasion, sales, and Marketing. In 1958, Harvard psychologist Herbert Kelman identified three broad varieties of social influence. Compliance is when people … Read more

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