Developmental and Environmental issues

INFRASTRUCTURE is essential for increasing economic progress and reducing POVERTY. The choices made in the type and scale of infrastructure Investment also have major implications for environmental sustainability. Land New infrastructure typically involves land use change and the selection of the site and its proximity to human settlement will significantly affect its impact. Refurbishment, rebuilding … Read more

Carbon Emission

Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up the largest share of “greenhouse gases”. The addition of man-made greenhouse gases to the Atmosphere disturbs the earth’s radiative balance. This is leading to an increase in the earth’s surface temperature and to related effects on Climate, sea level rise and world agriculture. The primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions are: Transportation  – … Read more

Gujarat: Drainage System

Gujarat have west flowing rivers of the country. These rivers form deep gorges and do not form deltas at the mouth of the river. Gujarat has many rivers; the four major rivers are mentioned here: Narmada, which originates at Amarkantak plateau and merges into the Arabian Sea at the end of its journey. For Hindus, … Read more

Environmental pollution and degradation

The major causes of the Environmental Degradation are modern Urbanization, industrialization, over-Population Growth, deforestation etc. Environmental pollution refers to the degradation of quality and quantity of natural Resources. Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of “enoughness” in his saying “the earth provides enough to satisfy every persons need but not for every person’s greed” According to World Commission … Read more

National Action plans on Climate Change

National Action plans on Climate Change Climate Change is one of the most critical global challenges of our times. Recent events have emphatically demonstrated our growing vulnerability to climate change. Climate change impacts will range from affecting agriculture – further endangering Food Security – to sea-level rise and the accelerated erosion of coastal zones, increasing … Read more

Issues, concerns, policies, programmes, conventions, treaties and missions aimed at environment protection, and dealing with the problem of climate change

Environmental Legislation The awareness and consideration for Environment covers several environmental issues such as pollution of water, air and Soil, land degradation, industrialization, Urbanization, depletion of natural Resources etc. Environmental Law plays a very crucial and important role in regulating the use of Natural Resources and in protecting the environment. The success of environmental legislations … Read more

Developments in energy sectors such as Hydro power, non conventional sources of energy

Conventional and Non Conventional Sources of Energy Main Sources of Energy: The sources of energy are of following types: Conventional Sources of Energy: These sources of energy are also called non renewable sources. These sources of energy are in limited quantity except hydro-electric power.  (a) Coal and Lignite: Coal is the major Source Of Energy. Coal … Read more

Mazor Mineral Resources

Mineral Resources : Iron-Ore: India possesses high quality iron-ore in abundance. The total reserves of iron-ore in the country are about 14.630 million tonnes of haematite and 10,619 million tonnes of magnetite. Haematite iron is mainly found in Chbattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Goa and Karnataka. The major deposit of magnetite iron is available at western coast … Read more

Energy Resources of India

Sources of Energy: Conventional and Nonconventional Sources – Energy is one of the most important component of economic Biomass. These substances can be burnt to produce heat energy which can be used in the generation of electricity. Thus, the energy produced from the biomass is known as biomass energy. There are three forms of biomass: … Read more

Energy demands

The primary energy consumption in India is the third biggest after China and USA with 5.5% global share in 2016.The electricity generation target of conventional sources for the year 2017-18 has been fixed as 1229.400 Billion Unit (BU). i.e. Growth of around 5.97% over actual conventional generation of 1160.141 BU for the previous year (2016-17). The conventional … Read more

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