What is a disease? Discuss the type of disease? ( Science)

Disease is a condition that impairs the proper functioning of the body or its parts. A disease can be defined as: Any deviation from normal functioning or state of complete physical and mental well being. Types of diseases: The human diseases are broadly classified into following four categories: Acute diseases Chronic diseases Congenital diseases Acquired … Read more

Regressive taxation

Regressive Taxation: A Burden on the Poor and a Threat to Equality Taxation is a fundamental aspect of any modern society, serving as the primary means of funding public services and infrastructure. However, the way taxes are levied can have a profound impact on income distribution and social equity. One particularly controversial form of taxation … Read more

Proportional Taxation

Proportional Taxation: A Fair and Equitable System? Proportional taxation, also known as a flat tax, is a system where everyone pays the same percentage of their income in taxes, regardless of their income level. This stands in contrast to progressive taxation, where higher earners pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes, and regressive … Read more

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