Smart Cities and solutions

Smart City means aligning information technologies to citizens’ needs in order to enhance their day-to-day lives by increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and engaging more directly with city dwellers. Developing a smart city is the next generation Urbanization process for improving the efficiency, reliability, and security of a traditional city. This paper discusses about the economic … Read more

Industrial development of Bihar

Industrial development of Bihar Bihar is one of the fastest growing states in India. The economy of Bihar is projected to grow at a compound annual Growth rate (CAGR) of 13.4% during 2012-2017 i.e. the 12th Five-Year Plan. Bihar has witnessed strong growth in per capita net state domestic product (NSDP). At current prices, per … Read more

Rural Economic infrastructure

Advance INFRASTRUCTURE-in-rural-areas/”>Infrastructure in Rural Areas Good quality infrastructure is critical to sustainable Growth, especially for rural areas. As over 60 per cent of the Population lives in rural areas, with low levels of per capital income, there is need to impart greater attention in improving rural infrastructure. Currently the rural infrastructure is inadequate to support … Read more

Planning in Karnataka

Planning in Karnataka   The British, according to their colonial policies, were encouraging the raising of crops which served as raw material, required for their industrial productions. They introduced American long fibre Cotton into Karnataka. The Cotton Boom of the 1860’s (American Civil War days) had its own impact. In the long run it helped … Read more

PPP Model of Economic Development

Public-Private Sector PARTNERSHIP (PPP) Public-private partnerships between a government agency and private-sector company can be used to finance, build and operate projects, such as public transportation networks, parks and convention centers. Financing a project through a public-private partnership can allow a project to be completed sooner or make it a possibility in the first place. … Read more

Infrastructure Development

                 Horticulture University shall be established in the successor State of Telangana. 5. The Government of India shall establish the National Institute of Disaster Management in the successor State of Andhra Pradesh.   , Infrastructure development is the process of building and maintaining the physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for … Read more

PPP In Health Care

 PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN Health CARE Services IN INDIA       It is widely accepted that the deficiencies in public sector health system can only be overcome by significant reforms. The need for reforms in India’s Health sector has been emphasized by successive plan documents since the Eighth Five-Year Plan in 1992, by … Read more

Mains Booster-Public Private partnership for inclusive growth

Public Private PARTNERSHIP for INFRASTRUCTURE and urban development projects. PPP is in particular need due to inefficiency, overstaffing and low productivity in govt. services and govt. owned enterprises. The projects under PPP go through competitive pricing process which clearly shows that the cost of public services is ‘bench marked’ against market standards. The payments which … Read more

Public Private partnership for inclusive growth

Public Private PARTNERSHIP for INFRASTRUCTURE and urban development projects. PPP is in particular need due to inefficiency, overstaffing and low productivity in govt. services and govt. owned enterprises. The projects under PPP go through competitive pricing process which clearly shows that the cost of public services is ‘bench marked’ against market standards. The payments which … Read more

National Investment & Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs)

INFRASTRUCTURE that would be autonomous and self-regulated developed in PARTNERSHIP with the private sector. Each National Investment and Manufacturing Zonesto have 5,000 hectares. Land will be selected by State Governments. Preference would be given to uncultivable land. Both state and central Government would fund trunk infrastructure. The policy embodies an easy exit policy and single … Read more

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