Corruption and black money

Liberalization in India has reduced red type and bureaucracy, supported the transition towards a market economy and transformed the economy with high growth rate. However, although the Indian economy has become the 4th largest in the world, the growth has been uneven across social and economic groups and POVERTY is still on issue. Endemic and … Read more

Methods of preparing alcohols (Methanol and Ethanol)

laboratory method of preparing alcohol Hydrolysis of Alkyl Halides This is a nucleophilic  substitution reaction. R-X + KOHaq → R-OH The method is not satisfactory as olefins are also formed as by-products. However better yields is obtained by using moist Ag2O or aqueous K2CO3. Tertiary butyl halides mainly gives alkene due to dehydrohalogenation. Hydration of Alkenes This … Read more

Social Research and Techniques -Objective of Social Research, Use of scientific method to study of Social Phenomena, tools and techniques of data collection- Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule

Social Research And Techniques -Objective of Social Research, Use of scientific method to study of Social Phenomena, tools and techniques of data collection- Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule Man by nature is inquisitive, and humans have an extraordinary capacity to exercise rational judgment and probe the realities of the world around us. Inherent in humans is … Read more

Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation.

Indus valley is an example of great civilisation flourishing in the pre vedic era. The civilisation marks the zenith in terms of art, architecture and culture. Its magnanimous architecture depicts the vibrant social and culture life. Social life:      Cities were divided into two parts. One was citadel (for the nobles) and the other part … Read more

Adult Franchise

Adult Franchise Right to express one’s choice by vote is called Franchise. When the right to vote or franchise is given to every adult in a state, it is known as the Universal Adult Franchise. In its original 19th-century usage by reformers in Britain, universal suffrage was understood to mean only universal manhood suffrage; the … Read more


 Intoxicants The intoxicants used in Society  might be taken as the following: alcohol, bhang, ganja, tobacco and opium, coca etc. Alcohol as an intoxicant Alcohol, also known by its chemical name ethanol, is a psychoactive substance that is the active ingredient in drinks such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits (hard liquor). It … Read more

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