The Shakes for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Shakas had set up their Kshsatraps in Mathura. The brahmi inscription s of Mora(Mathura ) is associated with Sakas. The Sakas conquered the area of Mathura over Indian kings around 60BCE. Some of their satraps were Hangamasha and Hagana, who were in turn followed by the Saka Great Satrap Rajuvula. … Read more

Unicameral And Bicameral Legislations

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> – Functions and crisis of accountability, delegated legislation, Legislative procedure and committees of legislature Bicameral Legislatures A bicameral legislature is comprised of two chambers, often described as the lower house and the upper house. Usually, the composition of the lower chamber (with such names as the … Read more

Outline the features of the government of India act, 1919.

System of dyarchy was introduced. The dyarchy means a system of double government in which The principle of dyarchy was a division of the executive branch of each provincial government into authoritarian and popularly responsible sections. The first was composed of executive councillors, appointed, as before, by the crown. The second was composed of ministers … Read more

Regional Parties

What are Regional Parties? Regional parties are political parties that are primarily focused on representing the interests of a particular region or state. They often have a strong base of support in their home region, and they can play a significant role in national politics. Why are Regional Parties Important? Regional parties are important for … Read more

Unicameral and Bicameral legislature

What is a Unicameral Legislature? A unicameral legislature is a legislative body with only one chamber or house. The term unicameral comes from the Latin words unus, meaning “one,” and camera, meaning “chamber.” Unicameral legislatures are relatively rare. Of the world’s 195 countries, only 32 have unicameral legislatures. The most common type of legislature is … Read more

Role of Governor

Role of Governor The role of a governor varies from state to state, but in general, they are the chief executive of their state. They are responsible for overseeing the state’s budget, signing or vetoing legislation, and appointing judges and other officials. Governors also have the power to pardon criminals and call out the National … Read more

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