Printing Press In India During British Rule

 Printing press in india during british rule The press as we know it today was, however, brought to India in the wake of British rule. Under the rule of the East India Company, there was the possibility of interesting news and some enterprising journalists set up printing presses in India to expose the … Read more

Development Of Press

 Development of Press, Railway, Press and Telegraph, Industries in British India   Development of Press:- The first press in India was established by The Portuguese in 1550, first book was published by Portuguese missionaries (1557). The next was established by British in 1684. James Augustus Hickey is considered as the “father of Indian … Read more

Development Of Press During The British Rule

  Development Of Press, Railway, Press and Telegraph, Industries in British India   Development of Press:- The first press in India was established by The Portuguese in 1550, first book was published by Portuguese missionaries (1557). The next was established by British in 1684. James Augustus Hickey is considered as the “father of Indian press” as … Read more

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