Emancipation of the Depressed class

Emancipation of the Depressed class Liberal Discourse of Emancipation The use of ‘Liberty’ to describe the physical ‘ability to do what I want’, the power to satisfy our wishes, or the extent of the choice of alternatives open to us has been deliberately fostered as part of the socialist argument. Once this identification of freedom … Read more

Empowerment of the Depressed class through religion and education

Empowerment of the Depressed class through religion and Education Empowerment of the Depressed class through education View of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar about Education  “It is the education which is the right weapon to cut the social slavery and it is the education which will enlighten the downtrodden masses to come up and gain social … Read more

Planning in Karnataka

Planning in Karnataka   The British, according to their colonial policies, were encouraging the raising of crops which served as raw material, required for their industrial productions. They introduced American long fibre Cotton into Karnataka. The Cotton Boom of the 1860’s (American Civil War days) had its own impact. In the long run it helped … Read more

Karnataka Food Security

Karnataka Food Security Nutrition is major Public Health emergency in India, with about 50% of its Population suffering from it in some form of protein calorie deficit or micronutrient malnourishment. It causes for 50% of child mortality. According to World Health Organisation report 2015 :-42% of children between 0- 5 years of age in India are underweight … Read more

Karnataka Human Development Index

Karnataka Human Development index “Karnataka has been a pioneer among Indian States in the matter of paying attention to human development at the State and District levels. The first State Human Development Report for Karnataka was published in 1999. Karnataka is also the first State to bring out individual District Human Development Reports for all its … Read more

An Introduction and main features of Karnataka Economy

Karnataka economy and its main features Karnataka is one of the most progressive and industrialized states in the country and is leading States in driving India’s economic Growth. Economic growth and fast development of any state depends on Industrial relations. The state has an illustrious history of successfully introducing several industrial and technological initiatives. State’s … Read more

Education for Girls, other Socially and Economically and other disadvantaged sections of people and Minorities

Despite national commitments through a host of constitutional provisions as well as programmes to fulfill them, of inequalities of different kinds continue to persist in all aspects of social life including Education. The benefits extended by the government, from time to time often do not reach a larger majority of Indians who mostly constitute Scheduled … Read more

Food Security Act

The National Food Security Act, 2013 (also Right to Food Act) is an Act of the Parliament of India which aims to provide subsidized food grains to approximately two thirds of India’s 1.2 billion people.WHO Defines Food security to exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe … Read more

PPP Model of Economic Development

Public-Private Sector PARTNERSHIP (PPP) Public-private partnerships between a government agency and private-sector company can be used to finance, build and operate projects, such as public transportation networks, parks and convention centers. Financing a project through a public-private partnership can allow a project to be completed sooner or make it a possibility in the first place. … Read more

Schemes for Rural and Social Development – Welfare and Developmental Programmes

Social Welfare Programmes of India Social Welfare sector is responsible for the welfare, rehabilitation and development of the Persons with Disabilities, the Social Deviants, and the Other Disadvantaged who require special attention of the State because of the disabilities and vulnerabilities they suffer from. While there is no information about the size of the Population … Read more

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