Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar Irrigation is being practiced there since past chemical analysis back to Kautilya, World Health Organization lived in Patliputra (now Patna), that was the capital of the mighty Mauryan empire (400 BC). Kautilya had ordered down the principles on Precipitation and irrigation in his renowned book Kautilya Arthasashtra. In Bihar the history … Read more

Administration for Welfare. Issues of Areas in Indian Administration

Administration for Welfare In early times, social welfare functions were performed by a few individuals or groups of individuals motivated by compassion and concern for the poor, the needy and the destitute. These people were laymen, embodied with the qualities of humanism and selfless service to the community. But in modern times, most of the … Read more

Export potential of agriculture-horticulture-livestock

Export potential of india’s  agriculture sector India’s agrarian culture and diverse Climate types have made significant contributions to the global food basket. Mangoes, curries, snacks, and spices from India are famous all over the world. For a quick look at some data points, India leads the production of bananas, papayas, and mangoes in the world. … Read more

Rural tank rejuvenation

Rural tank rejuvenation A tank is a low, earthen bund constructed across a shallow valley to hold the rainfall runoff from its catchment area. Tanks may be either isolated or in cascades. In a cascade, when the upper tank gets filled, the spill over the surplus weir is led into the tanks lower down, one … Read more

Development patterns and disparities among regions and between rural and urban areas, public policies to mitigate disparities

Development patterns and disparities among regions and between rural and urban areas Regional disparities in india India is facing the problem of acute regional imbalances and the indicators of such imbalances are reflected by the factors like per capita income, the proportion of Population living below the POVERTY line, the Percentage of urban population of … Read more

Agricultural problems in Karnataka

Agricultural problems in Karnataka Draught and farmers suicide Karnataka’s farmers have been facing several issues ranging from improper technology to agricultural loan debts. Karnataka is a vast state with varied topography, while there are agriculturally prosperous regions, some regions are severely affected by the frequent droughts. The Karnataka government even after introducing and implementing certain … Read more

Rural Economic infrastructure

Advance INFRASTRUCTURE-in-rural-areas/”>Infrastructure in Rural Areas Good quality infrastructure is critical to sustainable Growth, especially for rural areas. As over 60 per cent of the Population lives in rural areas, with low levels of per capital income, there is need to impart greater attention in improving rural infrastructure. Currently the rural infrastructure is inadequate to support … Read more

Self help groups in Karnataka

Self Help Groups in Karnataka The economy of Karnataka is essentially an agrarian and rural economy. It accounts for 56 per cent of workforce of the State. In addition it supports other economic activities such as Industry, transport, Trade and Commerce, etc. The rural economy supplies food articles and home-made products to non-farm sector. The … Read more

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