Not Found Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy

 Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy Philosophy is the root of all knowledge. It is considered as mother of all sciences. Philosophy has interpreted man and his various activities in a comprehensive manner. It helps to coordinate the various activities of the individuals and the Society. It helps us to understand the … Read more

Nature Of Philosophy (2)

 Nature of Philosophy, it’s relation with life,Science and culture Two answers are frequently given to the question ‘What is philosophy?’ One is that philosophy is an activity rather than a subject – in other words, you do philosophy rather than learn about it. The other is that philosophy is largely a matter of … Read more

Nature And Scope Of Philosophy And Religion (2)

 Nature and scope of philosophy and religion Philosophy:Nature and scope The word ‘philosophy’ is derived from two Greek words philos and sophia. Philos stands for love and sophia for wisdom. It stood for serious cultivation of the intellect and understanding. It was a searching inquiry into the deeper values of life. But simply … Read more

Jainism With Reference To Uttar Pradesh

 Jainism Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There … Read more

Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy (5)

 Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy To characterize Indian philosophy as wholly spiritualistic is as much wrong as to characterize Western philosophy as wholly materialistic. Nor can we say Western philosophy is wholly scientific, rational and ethical, while Indian philosophy is wholly apologetic based on faith and mysticism. Such characterization is wrong … Read more

3.Antiquity And Stratification Of Vedic Literature

 Although the Rig Veda deals with devotional work of religious nature, yet it gives a vivid picture of the early Vedic civilization. The Vedic Civilization is best understood from the social life, political organisation, economic life and religious beliefs. The Kula or family was the basic unit of Rig-Vedic Society. The Kula was … Read more

Philosophical Basis Of Governance (1)

 Philosophical basis of governance Governance is the exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations, and mediate their differences. The challenge for all societies is … Read more

Moral Thinkers (1)

 Moral thinkers Rabindranath Tagore The centre of Tagore’s philosophy was man of god. Even his concept of God was influenced by the humanism inherent in his outlook. The supreme reality thus according to Tagore, essentially human and could be realised only through love of man. Love of God was thus translated into love … Read more

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