Human values :Lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, administrators

Human Values :Lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, administrators Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, or Mahatma Gandhi as he is fondly called, was the greatest political figure in India’s history. Hailed as the Father of the Nation, Gandhi inspired Indians with his non-violent movements for civil rights and freedom from the … Read more

Kantian ethics

Kantian Ethics Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher at the heart of a movement known as the Enlightenment. He reacted against the evangelical Lutheran Pietism of his schooling, with its emphasis on religious devotion and biblical literalism. He valued reason independent of revelation or emotion, though he did imbibe his parents‟ values (they were harness- … Read more

Monetary Policies

Monetary Policy is the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the Government Bonds, it is said to be engaging in which of the following? (A) Open market operations (B) Discount rate (C) Reserve requirement (D) Fiscal policy When the Federal Reserve sells government bonds, it is said to be engaging in … Read more

Immanuel Kant (1)

 Immanuel Kant Towards the end of his most influential work, Critique of Pure Reason(1781/1787), Kant argues that all philosophy ultimately aims at answering these three questions: “What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope?” The book appeared at the beginning of the most productive period of his career, and … Read more

Ethical Concept

 Ethical concept-Rit and Rin, concept of Duties Rita Rita, (“truth” or “order”), in Indian religion and philosophy, the cosmic order mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient sacred scriptures of India. As Buddhism, desire has been considered to be the root cause of all sufferings. However, Hinduism acknowledges Kãma as a goal of human … Read more

Determinants Of Ethics (1)

   Determinants of ethics These are the factors in human behaviour that determine whether it is good or bad. There are three such determinants of ethics, namely the object, the end, and the circumstances. Object means what the free will chooses to do in thought, word, or deed or chooses not to do. … Read more

Tools Of Monetary Policy

   Monetary Policy TOOL:   There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used for implementing monetary policy. Repo rate: The (fixed) interest rate at which the Reserve Bank provides overnight liquidity to banks against the collateral of government and other approved securities under the Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate: … Read more

Attitude: Content, Functions, its influence and relation with thought and behaviour, Moral and Political attitudes

Attitude Should abortion be illegal? Should we cancel third world debt? How quickly should we reduce carbon emissions? Should there ever be a death penalty for any crime? Are you liberal or conservative? A soccer fan? A music lover? An optimist? The answers to all these questions depend upon psychological characteristics that define who we … Read more

Freedom of will and moral responsibility

Freedom of will and moral responsibility From its earliest beginnings, the problem of “free will” has been intimately connected with the question of moral responsibility. Most of the ancient thinkers on the problem were trying to show that we humans have control over our decisions, that our actions “depend on us”, and that they are … Read more

Role of family, society, and educational institutions in inculcating values

Role Of Family, Society, and educational institutions in inculcating values Family Family is the most important platform for a child to learn, especially during the early stages on one’s life. Many of beliefs and opinion are directly imbibed by an individual, from his family. We learn about the different social relations, responsibilities, religious ideas and … Read more

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