Acids, Bases and Salts.

Acid An acid is a substance which forms H+ ions as the only positive ion in aqueous solution. Examples:- Hydrochloric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and Cl– ions HCl —> H+ + Cl–   Sulphuric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and SO42- ions H2SO4 —>2H+ + SO42-   Nitric acid forms H+ and NO3– ions when dissolved in water HNO3 —> H+ + NO3–   … Read more

Some important chemcial compounds – properties and uses.

Compounds are defined as substances composed of two or more different Elements that are chemically combined. Both salt and water are compounds. Some important chemical compound and their uses are as follows:- NaCl sodium chloride (table salt, used in solutions for contact lens) ZnO zinc oxide (used in some sunscreens and diaper rash ointment) NaF … Read more


  Movement of these pollutants involves two main processes:   Bioaccumulation refers to how pollutants enter a food chain. there is an increase in concentration of a pollutant from the Environment to the first organism in a food chain.   Biomagnification refers to the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one trophic … Read more

Mercury Toxicology Effects

Mercury: A Silent Threat to Human Health Mercury, a naturally occurring heavy metal, has long been recognized for its unique properties and diverse applications. However, its widespread use and environmental persistence have also made it a significant threat to human health. Mercury’s toxicity, particularly its ability to accumulate in the body and disrupt vital biological … Read more

Diseases Caused By Environmental Degradation

The Silent Epidemic: Diseases Caused by Environmental Degradation The Earth, our home, is facing a multitude of environmental challenges, from climate change to pollution and deforestation. These challenges are not just abstract concepts; they have a direct and devastating impact on human health, leading to a silent epidemic of diseases caused by environmental degradation. This … Read more

Minamata disease

The Tragedy of Minamata: A Legacy of Environmental Injustice and the Fight for Recognition The name Minamata evokes a chilling image: a town ravaged by a devastating neurological disease, its victims bearing the scars of industrial negligence and environmental contamination. This story, one of the most infamous cases of environmental poisoning in history, serves as … Read more

Minamata Convention

The Minamata Convention: A Global Effort to Combat Mercury Pollution The Minamata Convention on Mercury, adopted in 2013 and entering into force in 2017, stands as a landmark international agreement aimed at protecting human health and the environment from the harmful effects of mercury. This treaty, named after the Japanese city where a devastating case … Read more

Environmental Pollution and Health

Environmental Pollution and Health Environmental pollution is the contamination of the physical and biological components of the Earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign … Read more

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