Punjab Ecotourism

The first impression of Punjab one gets is that of a land pulsating with prosperity. The plains of Punjab, with their fertile Soil and abundant water supply, are naturally suited to be the breadbasket for India. The land of Punjab is a land of exciting culture, myriad images of swaying emerald green fields and hearty … Read more

Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa

Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa The rocky Western Ghats make it an ideal haven for many species of birds and animals and also provide a corridor for Migration. The Western Ghats called the Sahyadris in Goa extend for a total of 600 kms in Goa of their total length of 3702 kms. The widest … Read more

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and growth of Sufism

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and Growth of Sufism   Situated between Punjab and Delhi, Haryana had been the scene of frequent warfares which left disturbing effects and made life rather difficult. Although the Muslim rulers, by and large, adopted an intolerant Attitude towards the Hindus and frequently destroyed their holy places, the … Read more

The Bhakti Movement and Sufism

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Uttarakhand :Wild life and Ecotourism

Corbet National Park The Corbet National Park is perfectly cradled on the foothills of the magniloquent knolls of the Himalayan range that shields the northern fringe of the country of India. The Corbet National Park made its magnanimous presence felt in the year 1936 under the designation of ‘Hailey National Park’. The Corbet National Park … Read more


Buddhism is a world religion and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha (literally the Enlightened One or Awakened One). Siddhārtha Gautama was the historical founder of Buddhism. After asceticism and meditation, he discovered the Buddhist Middle Way—a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and … Read more

Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period.

Although the Rig Veda deals with devotional work of religious nature, yet it gives a vivid picture of the early Vedic civilization. The Vedic Civilization is best understood from the social life, political organisation, economic life and religious beliefs. The Kula or family was the basic unit of Rig-Vedic Society. The Kula was headed by … Read more

Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta

Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta Advaita Vedānta is one version of Vedānta. Vedānta is nominally a school of Indian philosophy, although in reality it is a label for any hermeneutics that attempts to provide a consistent interpretation of the philosophy of the Upaniṣads or, more formally, the canonical summary of the Upaniṣads, Bādarāyaņa’s Brahma Sūtra. Advaita … Read more


is a world religion and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha (literally the Enlightened One or Awakened One). Siddhārtha Gautama was the historical founder of Buddhism. After asceticism and meditation, he discovered the Buddhist Middle Way—a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification. … Read more

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