Measurement of physical quantities and system of Units

Measurement of any physical quantity involves comparison with a certain basic, arbitrarily chosen, internationally accepted reference standard called unit. The result of a measurement of a physical quantity is expressed by a number (or numerical measure) accompanied by a unit. A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by … Read more

Citizen Charter

 Citizen charter The Citizens’ Charter is an instrument which seeks to make an organization transparent, accountable and citizen friendly. A Citizens’ Charter is basically a set of commitments made by an organization regarding the standards of service which it delivers. Every citizens’ charter has several essential components to make it meaningful; the first … Read more

2.6 Tolerance (1)

 Tolerance: Definition Tolerance is the willingness to accept actions we believe to be inappropriate or even wrong because it would be worse to take action against them. Tolerance is community-oriented. Ideally, all bad behavior should cease, but it is unrealistic to think that Society could succeed in enforcing this ideal. Tolerance understands this. … Read more

National Income – Measurement and composition

NATIONAL INCOME The study of National Income is important because of the following reasons: To see the Economic Development of the country. To assess the developmental objectives. To know the contribution of the various sectors to National Income. Internationally some countries are wealthy, some countries are not wealthy and some countries are in-between. Under such … Read more


  Mensuration is the branch of mathematics which deals with the study of different geometrical shapes, their areas and Volume. In the broadest sense, it is all about the process of measurement. It is based on the use of algebraic equations and geometric calculations to provide measurement data regarding the width, depth and volume of a … Read more

Temperature – Elements of Weather and Climate

The subtopics for Temperature – Elements of Weather and Climate are: Absolute temperature Air temperature Average temperature Celsius scale Fahrenheit scale Kelvin scale Mean annual temperature Mean daily temperature Mean monthly temperature Mean temperature Temperature inversion Temperature range Temperature scale Thermometer Wet-bulb temperature Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles … Read more

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The following are subtopics of Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Components of GDP Consumption Private consumption Government consumption Investment Fixed investment Inventory investment Net exports Exports Imports Methods of calculating GDP The expenditure approach The income approach The production approach Limitations of GDP GDP does not measure non-market activities GDP does not measure environmental costs GDP … Read more

Social Audit

Social Audit A social audit is a process of evaluating the social and environmental impact of an organization’s activities. It can be used to identify areas where the organization can improve its performance, and to communicate its progress to stakeholders. Social audits can be conducted by internal or external auditors. Internal auditors are employees of … Read more

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