Vegetation of Meghalaya

Vegetation of Meghalaya The floral diversity of Meghalaya is well reputed for its richness and has been a centre of attraction for many botanists. The presence of a large number of primitive flowering Plants has prompted Takhtajan (1969) to call it the Cradle of Flowering Plants’. Meghalaya harbours about 3,128 species of flowering plants and … Read more

Tamilnadu vegitation

In Tamil Nadu, Forest vegetation is divided into 3 major groups according to temperature zones namely Tropical Forests, Montane Subtropical Forests and Montane Temperate Forests, which are sub divided into nine type groups based on moisture and physiognomic variation. They are S.No Major Forest Type group 1 Tropical wet evergreen 2 Tropical semi evergreen 3 … Read more

Gujarat : Forests and Vegetation

Gujarat has only 11.04% of its geographical area declared as forest, which is much below the national Average. Forest and tree cover is in the extent of 11.74 % (7.48 % forest cover and 4.26% tree cover outside forest-TOF) of its geographical area. The unique features of the state are the climatic and geomorphologic conditions … Read more

Forest- Types and Conservation

Forest Biodiversity, forming a complex ecosystem. Plantation is different from natural forest as these planted species are often of same type and doesn’t support a variety of natural biodiversity. Forests provide various natural Services and products. Many forest products are used in day-today life. Besides these, forests play important role in maintaining ecological balance & … Read more

Natural Vegetation of India

Natural Vegetation of India   Forests – Natural Vegetation of India:Types and distribution types Climate, Soil and topographyare the major factors that influence Natural Vegetation of a place. The main climatic factors arerainfall and temperature. The amount of annual rainfall has a great bearing on the type of vegetation. Annual Rainfall Type of Vegetation 200 … Read more

Bihar Vegetation

  Bihar Vegetation   Bihar is arranged on the banks of the waterway Ganges. The stream Ganges moves through the state and goes through areas of Buxar, Bhojpur, Chapra, Patna, Vaishali, Begusarai and Bhagalpur. In the north, the Bihar state has regular outskirts with the Nepal. In the east, it is bound by west Bengal … Read more

Forest Types And Conservation Of Forest And Forest Resources

 Forest- Types and Conservation of Forest and Forest Resources A forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly composed of trees, shrubs and is usually a closed canopy. Forests are storehouses of a large variety of life forms such as Plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Also the forests have abundant Microorganisms … Read more

Andhra Pradesh vegetation and Forest

  The total notified forest area of the State is 36914.69 Km2 , which is 22.73 % of the geographical area. They include Reserved, Protected- and UN-classed forests. The Kadapa has the highest notified forest area of 5041.26Km2 and the Krishna has the lowest notified forest area of 664.28 Km2 in the State. As regards … Read more


  Areas of marsh, fen, peatland/water, whether natural (or) artificial, permanent (or) temporary with water that is static (or) flowing, fresh, brackish (or) salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 mtrs. Wetlands Classification– Inland wetland- a)Natural- Lakes / Ponds, Ox-bow Lakes, Waterlogged, Swamp/marsh b) Manmade- … Read more

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