Administrative system of Himachal Pradesh

Administrative system of Himachal Pradesh:- The Government of Himachal Pradesh also known as the State Government of Himachal Pradesh, or locally as State Government, is the supreme governing authority of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh and its 12 districts. It consists of an executive branch, led by the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, a judiciary … Read more

Localization of Industries

  [su_heading size=”21″]Types of Industries[/su_heading] Based on the value addition and tangibility broadly we can have three types of industries – primary industries,secondary industries and tertiary industries. Primary industries are usually very simple industries involving processing of raw materials to give input goods for secondary industries. Here value addition is usually minimal and they are … Read more

Panchayti raj in Bihar

Panchayti raj in Bihar Act Formation The Bihar Panchayati Raj Act was enacted in 2006 after the state was divided into Jharkhand and Bihar and a separate Panchayati Raj Department came into existence in 2007. The Panchayati Raj Department Th e Panchayati Raj Department (PRD) in Bihar came into existence in 2007. It mainly interacts … Read more

Delegation, Centralization and decentrailzation of authority

Delegation The active process of entrustment of a part of work or responsibility and authority to another and the creation of accountability for performance is known as delegation. Thus, there are three Elements of delegation as follows- Assignment of Responsibility: This is also known as entrustment of duties. Duties can be divided into two parts: … Read more

State finances and local finances. State finance commission

State Finances And Local Finances State finances The constitution (73rd and 74th) Amendment Acts, 1992 and ARTICLE 280 (3) (c) have altered the erstwhile fiscal devolution system and framework between the states and local governments. Under the new fiscal devolution system every State Government is required to constitute, once in five years, a Finance Commission … Read more

Karnataka Panchayat Raj

Karnataka Panchayat Raj The Panchayats are among the oldest institutions for local governance in rural Karnataka. This long standing system of local governance is also known as Panchayat Raj (which means rule of village committee). Panchayat Raj ensures proper execution of rural development programmes. It encourages participation of general people in the development programmes. Structural … Read more

District Administration.

District has been the basic unit of administration in India since ancient times. In India, we have a democratic welfare state which involves wide scope of activities for the development of the people and the nation as a whole. District Administration, is that part of Public Administration which functions in the territorial limits of the … Read more

Role of Various Institutions (Central, State and Other Organizations) in Promotion of Education

Role of Various Institutions (Central, State and Other Organizations) in Promotion of Education   Education is one of the important tasks undertaken by the present modem Governments. In 1921, the department of education came under the control of Indian Minister. Between 1921-1940, there was rapid expansion of educational institutions and enrolment of students. Primary education … Read more

Panchayati Raj System in Uttarakhand

The State of Uttarakhand has 13 districts, with 49 Tehsils, 95 Development Blocks, 671 Nyaya Panchayats and 7227 Gram Panchayats. The total Population of 84.89 lakhs of the State is confined to 360 Zila Panchayat wards, 3152 Kshetra Panchayat wards and 46734 Gram Panchayat wards. Existing Development Administration Development

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