Social Reformers & Their Work

  Rajaram Mohun   Laid Stress on the study of English & established the Hindu College in Calcutta Roy   alongwith David Hare. Maharishi   The grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore. He inspired a number of thinkers like Devendranath   Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar & Akshay Kumar Datta who became Brahmo Samaj Tagore   members.  He  din’t  … Read more

Peasant, Women, Tribal and Workers Movements

Peasant, Women, Tribal and Workers Movements Peasant Movement:  Peasant movements or agrarian struggles have taken place from pre-colonial days. The movements in the period between 1858 and 1914 tended to remain localised, disjointed and confined to particular grievances. Well-known are the Bengal revolt of 1859-62 against the indigo plantation system and the ‘Deccan riots’ of … Read more

Impact of Liberalisation

  The leading economists of the country differ in their opinion about the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of the policy of liberalisation.INFRASTRUCTURE by the Indian and foreign investors have generated great employment opportunities for the professionals, and skilled and unskilled workers. 5. Development of Infrastructure: Prior to the liberalisation, the infrastructure (roads and electricity) were in … Read more

Impacts of Privatization for Ras Rts mains exam of RPSC

Privatization in generic terms refers to the process of transfer of ownership, can be of both permanent or long term lease in nature, of a once upon a time state-owned or public owned property to individuals or groups that intend to utilize it for private benefits and run the entity with the aim of profit maximization. ADVANTAGES … Read more

The Working Class Movements

There were some working class movements in second half of 19th century. However, they were impulsive and not very well organized. The early nationalists had a lukewarm Attitude towards the question of workers. This war because initially Congress wanted to focus on issues which were of common concern to all the people of India. There … Read more

Social and Religious reform movements in the 19th and 20th century. For Ras RTS Mains and Ras RTS Prelims Exam

Rajaram Mohan Roy :-Laid Stress on the study of English & established the Hindu College in Calcutta alongwith David Hare. Maharishi Devendranath Tagore :-The grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore. He inspired a number of thinkers like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar & Akshay Kumar Datta who became Brahmo Samaj  members. He din’t perform his fathers antyeshti samskara as it … Read more

Poverty and Unemployment

Assessment of the Growth experience: POVERTY and Unemployment Poverty and unemployment are closely related High poverty has a multiplier effect on Quality Of Life, deprivation, Malnutrition, illiteracy and low Human resource development. Read morePoverty and Unemployment

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