Modern history of tamilnadu

Modern history of tamilnadu Colonial Settlements The Portuguese, the Dutch, the French and the British came as traders from Europe. Tamil Nadu was then a fragmented nation with many Nayaks, Nawabs and other local chieftains. The traders became rulers because some local rulers sought their help against others and the Europeans soon became their masters … Read more

British rule in Telangana

British rule in Telangana Telangana region has been ruled by great dynasties such as Sathavahanas, Kakatiyas, Chalukyas, Mughals, Qutubshahis, Asafjahis. In 1799, the Nizam rulers aided the East India Company in their war with Tipu Sultan. When the Nizam was compelled to sign a subsidiary alliance with the British in the year 1799, he lost … Read more

Karnataka: History of modern State after Independence

Karnataka: History of modern State after Independence After independence, a persistent effort had to be made for the Unification of Karnataka. The movement for Unification, had been, infact, launched together with the movement for freedom in Karnataka. Before independence, Karnataka had been distributed among as many as 20 different administrations like Mysore State, Madras Presidenc, … Read more

Freedom Movement in Karnataka

Freedom Movement in Karnataka The Karnataka State has contributed a lot for the freedom struggle. Kannadigas are very well-known for bravery and courage. They believed and continue to believe that freedom is more valuable than their life. When one speaks of freedom, one is sure to remember Karnataka rulers namely, Kadambas, Hoyasals, Chalukyas of Badami, … Read more

Indian Revolutionaries in India and abroad

BHAGAT SINGH The name Bhagat Singh has become a synonym of revolution. He was one of the great revolutionaries who made supreme sacrifice for the nation. Thousands of young people sacrificed their lives in the altar of India’s liberation struggle but the name Bhagat Singh has a special place in the history of our independence. … Read more

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