Advent Of Islam

 Secularism as its base, whereas Pakistan asserts itself to be an Islamic State; regarding itself as the sentinel of the muslims in the whole subcontinent and considers India claim of being a secular Polity as a sham. For Pakistan therefore Indian nationalism is basically hindu nationalism. Gangly and Singh point out that India … Read more

Prejudice And Discrimination

 Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect Attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group. For example, a person may hold prejudiced views towards a certain race or gender etc . (e.g. sexist). Discrimination is the behavior or actions, usually negative, towards an … Read more


Islam Islam is one of the world’s major religions, with over 1.8 billion followers. It is a monotheistic religion that teaches that there is only one God, Allah. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah and that the Quran is the word of Allah. Islam is a way of life that encompasses all … Read more

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