2.6 Tolerance (1)

 Tolerance: Definition Tolerance is the willingness to accept actions we believe to be inappropriate or even wrong because it would be worse to take action against them. Tolerance is community-oriented. Ideally, all bad behavior should cease, but it is unrealistic to think that Society could succeed in enforcing this ideal. Tolerance understands this. … Read more

Styles of learning, Models of memory, Causes of forgetting.

  Style of Learning Learning styles are the different ways people interpret, organize and represent information. For example, some people learn best by having information presented to them in audio form, such as in a classroom lecture or audio book. Others need hands-on experience or real-world contexts to fully grasp a new concept. There are … Read more

Ray optics

Ray Optics The wave model of Light has one serious drawback, though: Unlike other wave phenomena such as Sound, or surface waves, it wasn‟t clear what the medium was that supported light waves. Giving it a name – the “luminiferous aether” – didn‟t help. James Clerk Maxwell‟s (1831 – 1879) theory of electromagnetism, however, showed … Read more

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