Application of Biotechnology and concerned Ethical and Intellectual Property Right Issues

Biotechnology is defined as the industrial application of living organisms and their biological processes such as biochemistry, Microbiology, and Genetic engineering, in order to make best use of the Microorganisms for the benefit of mankind. Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, … Read more

Code of ethics

Code of ethics Ethics codes are as old as antiquity. Religious traditions and civic cultures have codes as their foundations. The Mosaic Decalogue (Ten Commandments) is the keystone for Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Pericles made the Athenian code the underpinning of ancient Greek politics and culture. In each case codes carry general obligations and admonitions, … Read more

Issues related to National Integrity and Security

Table of contents:- Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States, Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Threats Internal and External Threats; Threats of Conflicts, Naxal Problems, Terrorism, Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues, Communalism, Organised crimes, Cyber issues, Drug trafficking and other such issues. [su_heading size=”21″]Potential areas of socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States,[/su_heading] … Read more

Contemporary Legal issues: Right to information, Information technology law including cyber laws (concepts, purpose, prospects), Intellectual Property Rights (concepts, types, purpose, prospects)

Contemporary Legal issues: Right To Information India always took pride in being the largest Democracy, but with the passing of the Right to information act in 2005, it has also become an accountable, interactive and participatory democracy. This right has catapulted the Indian citizen on a pedestal from where he can take stock of administrative … Read more

Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct Civil servants have special obligations because they are responsible for managing Resources entrusted to them by the community, because they provide and deliver Services to the community and because they take important decisions that aff ect all aspects of a community’s life. Th ecommunity has a right to expect that the civil … Read more

Basic Knowledge of Laws in India

Basic Knowledge of Laws in India The law is an amorphous set of rules govern individuals and group behavior. We don’t even know about many of these rules or we understand them only generally. For example, you don’t need to see a written law to know that it’s a crime to steal or destroy someone … Read more

The Gupta Empire

The Gupta Empire stretched across northern, central and parts of southern India between c. 320 and 550 CE. The period is noted for its achievements in the arts, architecture, sciences, religion, and philosophy. Chandragupta I (320 – 335 CE) started a rapid expansion of the Gupta Empire and soon established himself as the first sovereign ruler of the empire. It marked the end of 500 hundred … Read more

Issues related to National Integrity and Security :

Table of contents:- Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States, Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Threats Internal and External Threats; Threats of Conflicts, Naxal Problems, Terrorism, Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues, Communalism, Organised crimes, Cyber issues, Drug trafficking and other such issues. [su_heading size=”21″]Potential areas of socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States,[/su_heading] … Read more

Doha Development Agenda

The Doha Development Agenda (DDA) is a set of negotiations within the World Trade Organization (WTO) that began in November 2001. The DDA aims to improve the trading system for developing countries, and to address issues such as agricultural subsidies, market access, and Intellectual Property Rights. The DDA is divided into 21 areas of negotiation, … Read more

Intellectual Property Rights

Here is a list of subtopics under Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright Trademark Patent Trade secret Industrial design Plant variety protection Geographical indication Integrated circuit layout design Database right Sui generis right over traditional knowledge and folklore Moral rights Enforcement of intellectual property rights International intellectual property law Intellectual property and human rights Intellectual property and … Read more

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