Mazor Mineral Resources

Mineral Resources : Iron-Ore: India possesses high quality iron-ore in abundance. The total reserves of iron-ore in the country are about 14.630 million tonnes of haematite and 10,619 million tonnes of magnetite. Haematite iron is mainly found in Chbattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Goa and Karnataka. The major deposit of magnetite iron is available at western coast … Read more

Corporate Social Responsibility -(CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly an essential issue for companies. It is a complex and multi- dimensional organisational phenomenon that is understood as the scope for which, and the ways in which, an organisation is consciously responsible for its actions and non-actions and their impact on its stakeholders. It represents not just a change … Read more

Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector

Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) are small sized entities, defined in terms of their size of Investment. They are contributing significantly to output, EMPLOYMENT export etc. in the economy. They perform a critical role in the economy by providing employment to a large number of unskilled and … Read more

Morale and Productivity

Morale and Productivity of an Employee are higly interdependent. Morale is the most important Psychological state of mind of a person which is expressed as selfconfidence, loyalty toward an organization and/or enthusiasm. Morale of an employee determines the behavior either positively or negatively in an organization. Morale is directly related to employee motivation level and … Read more

Administration for Welfare. Issues of Areas in Indian Administration

Administration for Welfare In early times, social welfare functions were performed by a few individuals or groups of individuals motivated by compassion and concern for the poor, the needy and the destitute. These people were laymen, embodied with the qualities of humanism and selfless service to the community. But in modern times, most of the … Read more

Export potential of agriculture-horticulture-livestock

Export potential of india’s  agriculture sector India’s agrarian culture and diverse Climate types have made significant contributions to the global food basket. Mangoes, curries, snacks, and spices from India are famous all over the world. For a quick look at some data points, India leads the production of bananas, papayas, and mangoes in the world. … Read more

Organisational Behaviour and Management Concepts

FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT – ORGANIZING   Organizing is the process of identification and grouping of activities, assigning duties and delegating authority to the managers, allocating necessary Resources and establishing coordination among individuals and department of an organization with a view to attain its objectives.   PROCESS OF ORGANIZING :   The process of organising consists … Read more

Management of change and development

Development is the end result of Public Administration. The paradigm of development is depending on the nature of government and its policies. It may be ideologically driven or ethically motivated. It strips off the orthodox structuralism of public administration as put forward by classical Administrative theorists and attempts to cater the emerging need of a … Read more

Team Building (Staffing)

    Staffing refers to the managerial function of employing and developing human Resources for carrying out the various managerial and non-managerial activities in an organisation. This involves determining the manpower requirement, and the methods of recruiting, selecting, training and developing the people for various positions created in the organisation.   Staffing function is an … Read more

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