GST and its implications

What is GST? Goods and Services Tax — GST — is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services at a national level. Through a tax credit mechanism, this tax is collected on value-added goods and services at each stage of sale or purchase in the supply chain. The system … Read more

Handicrafts and Household (Cottage) Industries and their problems

Cottage Industry is a form of small scale industry where the productivity of the good£ takes place in the houses of the workers, and the workforce include the members of the family. The equipment’s used to generate products are not the hi-tech ones but generally those which are used at homes. Cottage industry is generally … Read more

Structural changes in the Indian Economy ( GDP and work force)

INFRASTRUCTURE, and the rise of a middle class. Another significant structural change has been the decline in the share of EMPLOYMENT in agriculture. In the early 1990s, more than half of India’s workforce was employed in agriculture. However, by 2017, this share had fallen to just 46%. The decline in agricultural employment has been driven … Read more

Money Laundering And Black Money

Money Laundering And Black Money Money Laundering Money laundering is the process of making large amounts of money generated by a criminal activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty, and the process “launders” it to make it … Read more

Employment status of India

EMPLOYMENT As per Employment-Unemployment Survey (by NSSO) of 2011-12 (latest available), total workforce employed stands at 47.36 crore; with 23.16 crore in agriculture and 24.2 crore in Industry and Services According to the fifth Annual Employment-Unemployment Survey (EUS) conducted between April and December 2015, 83% of the workers in India were self-employed, casual or contract … Read more

Occupational Structure in India

Indian Society is primarily a rural society though Urbanisation is growing. The majority of India’s people live in rural areas (67 per cent, according to the 2001 Census). They make their living from agriculture or related occupations. This means that agricultural land is the most important productive resource for a great many Indians. Land is … Read more

What is the difference between classical and folk dance forms ?

  S.No. Classical Folk 1. It is a highly evolved form of dance It is at early stage of evolution. 2. Classical dance has its genesis in Natya shastra of bharat muni. No such relationship with Natyashastra 3. Has well defined steps, gestures known as karanas and angahara. No such well defined steps, gestures etc. … Read more


    Organizing is the process of identification and grouping of activities, assigning duties and delegating authority to the managers, allocating necessary Resources and establishing coordination among individuals and department of an organization with a view to attain its objectives.   PROCESS OF ORGANIZING :   The process of organising consists of the following steps … Read more

Measurement of unemployment in India

Measuring the Unemployed: A Deep Dive into India’s Labor Landscape India, a nation teeming with a youthful population, faces a complex and evolving challenge in accurately measuring unemployment. While the official unemployment rate provides a snapshot of the situation, it often fails to capture the nuances of the Indian labor market. This article delves into … Read more

Atal Pension Yojana (APY): Building a Retirement Safety Net for the Informal Sector

Atal Pension Yojana (APY): Building a Retirement Safety Net for the Informal Sector Introduction India’s informal sector, encompassing a vast majority of the workforce, faces a stark reality: the lack of a secure retirement plan. This segment, comprising street vendors, farmers, construction workers, and countless others, often works in precarious conditions with little or no … Read more

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