Role of Andhra Mahasabha

Role of Andhra Mahasabha Communist organizing in the state had begun only in 1938 when the newly formed unit of the CPI got in touch with members of progressive groups in Hyderabad, ranging from members of the Mahasabha and Maharashtra Parishad to the ‘Comrades’ Association’ among progressive Muslims. In 1939 these groups converged into the … Read more

History of modern Bihar after independence

History of modern Bihar after independence The first Bihar governments in 1946 were led by two eminent leaders Sri Babu (Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha) and Anugrah Babu (Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha) who were men of unimpeachable Integrity and great public spirit.They ran an exemplary government in Bihar. After Independence of India, the power was shared … Read more

Advent and expansion of European powers in India :- Portuguese, Dutch, French and British

The European Trading Companies In India: Struggle for supremacy The Portuguese From time immemorial India had commercial relations with countries of the west. The commercial route then was not direct by sea. The merchants sailed over the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea and reached Europe through Arabia. But in the seventh cen­tury when Arabia … Read more

Indian National Movement: Nationalism and Congress

ORIGIN OF NATIONALISM The Rise of Nationalism is reflected in the spirit of Renaissance in Europe when freedom from religious restrictions led to the enhancement of national identity. This expression of Nationalism was furthered by the French Revolution. The political changes resulted in the passing of Sovereignty from the hands of an absolute monarch to … Read more

Revolt of 1857 in Madhya Pradesh

Revolt of 1857 in Madhya Pradesh Revolt of 1857 The first expression of organised resistance was the Revolt of 1857. It began as a revolt of the sepoys of the Company’s army but eventually secured the participation of the masses. Its causes lay deeply embedded in the grievances that all sections of Hinduism and Islam, … Read more

Directive Principles of State Policy

An important feature of the constitution is the Directive Principles of State Policy. Although the Directive Principles are asserted to be “fundamental in the governance of the country,” they are not legally enforceable. Instead, they are guidelines for creating a social order characterized by social, economic, and political Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity as enunciated … Read more

Democracy: Direct and Indirect

Democracy: Direct and Indirect Democracy in modern usage, is a System of Government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as “rule of the majority”. Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes … Read more

History of modern chattishgarh after independence

History of modern chattishgarh after independence The demand for a separate Chhattisgarh state was first raised in the early twenties. Similar demands kept Cropping up at regular intervals; however, a well-organised movement was never launched. Several efforts were made by individuals and organizations towards highlighting the Chhattisgarh identity and expressing the sense of perceived marginalisation. … Read more

History of Chattisgarh

History of Chattisgarh from Vedic Age to Gupta Period In ancient times, Chattisgarh was known as Dakshina Kosala. Chattisgarh area also finds mention in Ramayana and Mahabharata. Between the sixth and twelfth centuries, Sharabhpurias, Panduavanshi, Somavanshi, Kalachuri and Nagavanshi rulers conquered Chattisgarh region. The Bastar region of Chhattisgarh was invaded by Rajendra Chola I and … Read more

Freedom Movement in Chattisgarh

Freedom Movement in Chattisgarh:– In 1818 Chhattisgarh came under some sort of British control for the first time. In 1854, when the province of Nagpur lapsed to the British government, Chhattisgarh was formed into a deputy commissionership with its headquarters at Raipur. The British made certain changes in the administrative and revenue systems of Chhattisgarh, … Read more

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